So I have made this post because I have been a dedicated player to kraftzone for 2 years
and in this post i will talk about how I started and a few things
First off I would like to thank all these people for helping me in my early days
-CrafterJakob He was the first guy i made friends with and was kind enough to let an idiot me into his town
-rui334 A great friend of mine that still joines and plays in the server, he was the one that lend me join SnowAOS's town
-SnowAOS Another great friend of mine who was always there to help me and sometimes troll me and rui
-Ytsen A good old Support that always teaches Snow me and rui about building and stuff
and a few other more good old dedicated players to kraftzone is a shame that i couldn't remember there names or what they did to help me,
this is how i started first
When I first joined i thought this server was lame,but when i started playing more often i realized it was a great server
it had friendly people (Well most are friendly) great builds and a great Admin. And everyday i learn something new about Kraftzone
Then i joined CrafterJakob's town and a few days I first aimed to get Member and a higher fly time (That was when the votes to get Member was still 10 or 15?) And a few weeks later a meet rui334 who had God armor and Tools and asked me to PvP him and so i lost and some how became friends then introduced me to SnowAOS witch was my first friend to become a Staff, at first he keeps asking me to PvP him and a day later made me a God Sword then some guy stole it then bla bla bla... I couldn't remember much but this and a good place to stop since you guys might get board of my loong story
And this this part of the Topic I will try and do what i just said 😛
-I will try not to troll any one because I always get in trouble
-I will try and vote more often next month
-I will follow the rules of being a staff
-I will try and not cause arguments
-I must and will try to become a better staff member to the community
Lol thats a lot of I and will
But thats all i wanted to say for in my 3 years topic
And here is a little something that I have been working on a few weeks
the project will be out in May 16 of Friday.
Mess with the best, die with the rest
Interesting, since the server started in December 2011, it is impossible to play here for 3 years. Quite an achievement still, not many players reached this amount of dedication yet. Just keep on going and stuffs going to be even cooler 😀
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
-Ex Registered
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-Ex Voter+
-Ex FeatherClub
-Ex Architect
-Ex Staff
-Ex Support
-Currently Donator
you posted a year early for 3 years ice 😀
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It could be possible because I think i joined at the early donar era ::)
Mess with the best, die with the rest
Ice pretty sure you joined around dec 2012.
Oh sorry lol i was mistaken by the total it is 2012
Mess with the best, die with the rest
:oooo Snow?!
Hm a snow...
I cant really build anything.