Last seen: Aug 26, 2019
Sounds great, very much looking forward to checking stuff out, will keep myself updated here and hopefully jump on as soon as its available. If any he...
Not sure if anyone remembers me from the old times, but i recently took an interest in minecraft again and wanted a server to play on, this was the fi...
If anyone is on EUW feel free to throw your names in here so its easier to add you all
Good luck and remember to eat alot of bacon, it helps with everything O.o
you wont feel a big diffrence between i7 and i5might wanna get a better gfx card like the 660-680 or 560-580 nvidia cardsalso i wouldnt get windows 8
Internet Explorer
1.4 came way too soon:S
Well that sucks
Well im on 1.3.2 and cant connect
Just put him in jail and let him cool off a bit mute if needed
it will take some time due to the amount of stuff in the updateif you want to degrade search for MCnostalgia it can downgrade your mc to 1.3.2
What sort of problems?
If you call repairing and old grief then sure add me to a grief list.....
You can just ask any support or koolioits not that hard
Godfathr has been a pain everytime ive seen him on
Stealth or bonnie(same ip) has been trying to acces your account and a few other staff accounts
only 2 ranks i can come up with are:AdvMember: This would be awarded to the trusted members that are online on the server on a regular basis and vote ...
Gz i guess
Have tried several times and it has been working every time. if you get this problem again /msg me ingame so we can have a look at it