Last seen: Apr 17, 2021
{ "name": "Slyville", "x": 2700, &nbs...
So that's today eh? Glad i'm not there.
Are these suppose to be funny or...
Good Things: Post-FX are solid, good looking visuals. Music and video come together nicely. HD and Shaders really up the effect of the cinematic pans....
Although old this thread does bring up a good point. Crafters can be really annoying at times. He'll tp to me and start messing up shit, like Wor...
Creative is currently only allowed in the /freebuild and /cityworldAhahahahahahhahahaha rightttttttt........
ArrowHead you just got
Le Modern House
For those of you who aren't tech savvy i'll translate this post:KraftZone is now running on Microsoft .NET framework. Besides the additional...
If you don't like critique stop reading.The slideshow intro was boring. Most people will have stopped watching once the video portion started. Yo...
Musta took hours to come up with that 😛
Crafters what's your Origin name?
1. Hypocrite2. Nothing new for Crafter
No, the smell is obvious. I hope Koolio isn't oblivious.