Last seen: Apr 17, 2018
your recording at 360p lol. make it HD which is 1080p. also I didn't hear any audio....
add another 0, max prize is 10k and doners get 25k a day :/
What texture pack is that? The first and second one definatly aren't default, idk about the others tho.
really? get a 50cal sniper, aim it at the ground and the bullet should come up my ass!......considering the bullet makes it fru the earths core.....mi...
did you really need to post that? nodid I really need to post this? not reallyI think the point has been made
Thank you johnny! you explained my point very well
lol, but not every1 thinks that way do they, I do, but other people dont
if they tried out for staff we would have like 5milllion helper apps (which is kinda whats happening lol) and those who cant get staff will PVP, that&...
well....if everyone on the server has god items and unlimited money they wouldn't have to work would they? and they would get bored of the server...
well....when ur giving out like 20 I guess it DOES disturb the balance a bit....
i got beacons legit.....
Why does your name suggest you don't like swearing?I thought that was a very good app and that you should definatly be a helper, although you sai...
what are you thanking me for dark? lol.....is it because I said u should do ./total
no, guns are pretty powerful, I think they should be given to doners on request by staff+....although we could do it as a kit and take it away from an...
Extacyy came back a long time ago from college. she played very regularly for a fortnight or so but then I didn't see her anymore, maybe she got ...
I think guns should be free for donaters because I consider them as one of the donater perks.Cant players also sell a diamond for more than $500? im n...
whats ur yt name? I would definatly check u out
-.- ....don't use it FULLSTOP. other players get jelly and want one too! they just don't know that they can get an even better one in a sing...
kott is using an OP sword with looting 127 right now to kill endermen and is getting hundreds of stacks of enderpearls, its pretty harmless (except a ...
pontus_armundsson is on loads! when im on atleast but ur never on when im on...well...im not on very much at the moment but still.