Last seen: Jan 19, 2025
Hihi, hai Pepsi 😛
Increasing the worldborder might be a good solution. I'd like it as much as I like a new map. It is all about the untouched terrain for me 😀
I like the good old days where staff was respected and support was even more respected. I wish those times were back...
Ice, just thank you for all the things yo have done for the server, quite a lot. I believe I remember you got staff. A loooong time ago. Although it w...
Maybe, maybe not...
koolio is this how i apply for helper if it is tell me in chatso i can send anotherIf you don't know how to apply for helper at first, it is a bi...
Staff Board on the forums. Only accesable by staff and higher.
All I have to say is that I found this conversation childish.
Sly, I just want to say I beat you in download speed 😀
Interesting, since the server started in December 2011, it is impossible to play here for 3 years. Quite an achievement still, not many players reache...
Does it only not respond or does it really crash? What plugin causes this problem?And ron, plugins and mods are something different.
"but honestly just grow a pair and lighten up."Can I add something? If you play around with someones short-temper, you are not really grown ...
He wasn't yesterday, or the day before. My bad....
If you want a proper staff portrait, you should not have crafters on it...
The rules tell you to not annoy anyone, and the main language is english. That probably means that people can be annoyed by the fact that some use a d...
In that case, I take my words back. Sorry.
You probably know why you are banned, but you want the story from the person who banned you, so you can change it to your favor. I can tell you that y...