Last seen: Feb 17, 2014
hit the BLUE reply button, and there should be a grass block that lets you add screenshots and files
pics plz, also I'd believe oggy, he's been known to spawn camp noobs and just annoy themtype%appdata% in your windows search bar to find you...
I vote ney on the grounds that you reply on old forum posts, it gets annoyingseriously dou, add votes, current rank, and I don't know anything ab...
Yeah, more votes and playtime, I don't really ever see you online, or have heard much about you, so you're not to well known around the serv...
let's see....No playtime,votes,IGN,or any general setup...ANDits on the general forum...applications go in the application part of the forum
DAMN, this seems like a good plugin
I feel so poor and noobish when it comes to hardware and pc building
Do you remember when staff applications were filed under the Applications part of the forum?Pepperidge Farm remembers...
Probably on a weekend, and a winner would be decided by either kills, towns destroyed, or some other means
Better question, will Staff have their ranks on the possible premium server?
I have no idea who you are
lulz, I'm technically 3rd oldest staff, since Jakky and RedArrow got staff, and Snow got staff after me, but this won't get any staff ranked...
Staff can lend no moneyYou HAVE griefed before under the account "jack991"you have very little experience on the serverwhere are your votes?
./kick applejackswordsjk luv u 😛 <3
What? I've tried to use books to enchant things, and after 2 enchants, i cant use anymore books, while I'm on creative, i think the majority...
John i think you might want to change your profile pic, it gets confusing and Koolio may not like it
Also, add in your votes, b/c staff are expected to vote regularly, Koolio's warned all the staff about voting often
I am loyal, only to betray if something HORRIBLE, I MEAN, SO HORRIBLE (not server wise, just owner wise, which i doubt you'll do anything koolio)...