Last seen: Jul 27, 2020
no it that mean's you did something wrong oryou need windows 7 or 8
[survival world>666, 70, -1383]-cafe[survival world>665, 78, -1349]-Modern house
mgelinas you do know your commenting on old post?
the outside look's like a white house nowlol
vin dose know arrowhead is a exstaff. . .
look's grate
A few question well maybe a lot lol1.where can i put the launcher's folder at %appdata% or in programs?and can i have the link to the 1.6.4 skinm...
why u block all names?
where did you get that?
are you using koolio's minecraft launcher if nothen you can't get it becuse the skin mod in the fourm is only for 1.5.2if yes then you don...
Had the same problem
It feels like all the staff and support are primso what will happen in the crack server? (destruction XD)
Homies is kinda right i knowa lot of players who dosent have prim
i try'ed bodel40's texture pack and it work fine forme but for Atherys Ascended(texture pack) it gustsend me to defulty
that's not the pointsome players leave because maybe they don't understand the login thingthat happend to me when i was new to Kzand how wil...
Kodsas am confuseeven if he had a full enchantend diamond armor he still wants staffit's he's choice
shezz clam down koolioall am saying is the download was harmful for my laptop but in what wayis it harmful for my laptop?
when i download eny of the the kz:mc it says it's harmful
not working:(