Last seen: Sep 4, 2019
Mainly auto correct witch I need to stop typing forum posts on my iPad
It's my keyboard and the keys don't respond we'll so that's why I'm using my iPad right now 🙂
yes koolio i understand that but i was like fuck wen the serer messed up and put evry thing in the chest incase some one would log on or the lockette ...
u wanna know how i got them.. about a half of stack of thos were from mining but u earned the money to get the ore for thos blocks then i simply furtu...
and red check the dates on the screenshots in the chats because i put all my good shit in my enderchest yesterday wen the server was having account tr...
Koolio honestly wen it comes to this shit im not playing wen it comes to this shit if the photos look like shit it maybe because of my pc but to have ...
Ok thanks koolio 🙂
lol this is funny because u were trespassing a allie and wen u trespass u die and it was not a 3v1 because justforfun was there also
it matters for what you use the cave-finder for but my use if for... for example i use it to report abuse .... now do you understand?
its not xray its called cavefinder and if u think im hacking im not cuz cavefinder is a mod from nodus but honestly nodus fucks ur game over and cause...
thank you koolio because ugly was a huge issue to not only me but to outhers and for ur suport it make me feel a hole lot safer to be on this server :...