Last seen: Jul 13, 2020
:DDDD gratz woombo
dude we dont care you have them, we just don't like you pvp'ing others with them. Like cmon especially when someone isn't pvping you, y...
nice skin kott 😉
Found it.
I remember you from somewhere... hmmm, maybe u knows me?
maybe ur not claiming next to an already claimed townblock. because like yeah. make sure the next chunk is also claimed by ur town, or else wont work.
welcome back woombo, u da best. nuff' said.well... ur like 2nd best. im like numba 1. so yeah.
or just hack and get helper. then re-code koolio's brain to think he made u helper.
yayyyyyy gratz everybody
😛 long text, worth teh read. I totals agree
bro OP items? back in the day we used to kill ender dragon with sticks.
im guessing Head has more perks and is like the leader of that rank, and maybe picks out the rank, like the Head Helper picks the Helpers, and the Hea...
how do u do the crying emoji btw? : ' ( :'(
yepp 😀
math im actually pretty good at 1st to finish the test and still get top scores... 8) but like my worst is like science and portuguese.... 😐
lol in brazil the system is corrupt, if the teacher likes you, you pass. I dont even do projects or anything all I do is the tests and I get like A...
dude.. study? who the fucks studies? dude in IRL when u have a test, you dont have time to study be like me, and forget about the test and on the day ...
wanna become a helper? then try actually becoming a helper. and u be helper -BOOM NAILED IT
lol idk what other skin would suit u... other then bender from futurama
you mean like /chest or /enderchest?