This chat kodsas had with me doesn't impress me with how you have been, muting, and asking him to goto faction server to kill him... if this is true considering it a last warning to do something about your behavior on the server as staff, as it cannot carry on.
kodsas: look
kodsas: il be honest with ya
kodsas: she was
kodsas: she acted quite stupid
kodsas: first of all
kodsas: when she joined
kodsas: she griefed me
kodsas: then
kodsas: she started to talk bullshit
Koolio: don't dig up old stuff
Koolio: u talking about anything recent?
Koolio: ok what happened recently?
kodsas: an inresponsible little teenager
kodsas: who
kodsas: is Very
kodsas: bad staff
Koolio: yeh i need more evidence than that
kodsas: you might say she is good but she did something bad to me
kodsas: but look what happened
Koolio: unless it was recent
kodsas: she turned everyone against me
kodsas: and ugh
Koolio: this is missing chat logs
kodsas: people think she's cool cuz she gives them gifts
Koolio: screenshots
Koolio: what she give them?
Koolio: look i need more evidence than tthis
kodsas: diamonds castles
kodsas: let me just tell you
kodsas: she gave them alot of expensive stuf
kodsas: f
kodsas: they were hapy
kodsas: so they said like
kodsas: and she was like "oh you know me im a girl tell koolio that|
Koolio: heh
kodsas: "oh but dont tell him i gave you stuff"
kodsas: then she mutes me
kodsas: for TALKING
kodsas: like
kodsas: i say something
kodsas: and shes like
Koolio: she muted you for saying that?
kodsas: no
kodsas: for saying
kodsas: lol
kodsas: or
kodsas: hmm
kodsas: or idk
kodsas: she was like
kodsas: gtfo kod nobody likes you
kodsas: i mean
kodsas: i dont care but i got muted
kodsas: it wasnt long though
Koolio: why have not taken any screenshots?!
kodsas: but still
Koolio: i don't approve of this behavior
kodsas: then she asked me to go to kw later
kodsas: and i did
kodsas: then she killed me
kodsas: with /kill
kodsas: ...
kodsas: and also she killed sebb
Koolio: when did this happen?
kodsas: you know
kodsas: yesterday
Koolio: ok seriously why have u not screenshotted any of this?
kodsas: she is a bad staff but she is giving everyone gifts so they will like her
kodsas: well
kodsas: i forgot :c
kodsas: or mabye i did
kodsas: let me see
kodsas: and on top of all that she isnt even helping anyone
kodsas: especially me
kodsas: she also lied that i play kz naked and that i have gay parents
kodsas: to other people
kodsas: i mean
kodsas: she was joking i guess
kodsas: but the people got it seriously
kodsas: -_0
Koolio: mind if post this chat log to staff chat?
kodsas: sure
Koolio: it will be kotts warning
kodsas: well
kodsas: she might hate me more i mean i dont mind that
Koolio: that if it carries on she is going to be demoted
kodsas: but she will kick me or mute me for allmost anything i do
If you have anything to report about kodsas that might suggest what he is saying here is untrue I would like to here it.
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I told him "justt so you know i like you alot kodsas, i am unserious" just so this wouldnt happen
All these forums...,gooooosh
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He didnt take screenshots so he couldnt show the positive things i did
And about being mean
Ice does the complete same to rui!!
He quit.
I cant stand all this argueing
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
And yes...
i'm sorry for my ''bad'' behaviour, even tho i dont think it was as horrible as the other ones took it as, well if they took it bad im sorry for that and i will go calmer next time i meet any of them, i'm not going online to hurt peoples' feelings. I love being staff and being able to help players 100%. It's a great hobby to spend your freetime on... 😀 But all this argueing has really taken my mood to the limit next to rage, literally. It made me really sensitive. I didnt even answer on a simple ''hi'' when sebbacus was going on and on
and ye if u give me 1 more chance ill show the best of my ability
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
What is your problem? Make a proper comment or stfu
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
whats yours? all i said was lol. you just told me to stfu which amount to = Shut the fuck up
:S ?
"Make a proper comment or stfu"
No shit that it means that... Stop making everything into a big thing!!! You know you cant bring me down so just give up
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
no need for this comment SirMrManSheep, unless you got something sensible to say, don't say it, especially when this thread is about kotts behavior and you are not making things better by laughing at them or about what has happened.
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Not laughing at Kodsas, or anyone getting in trouble. Just laughing at the fact stuff like this is still happening. I would have thought action would have been taken the first time this accusation was brought up and posted about. But, Its funny. I recall a post called "Behavior of kottelainen"( ) Where similer accusations took place, and when somebody was confronted with this evidence, the statement "You all got want you wanted
1 less staff and 1 less player
Now go get a cake and celebrate your fking hearts out" And not another word for 4 days.... Gone. Not on the server. Maybe they kept in touch with other players and staff, but dident show up to the server for 4 days. Why not? I think the only reason someone would say that is cause they were pretty sure they made a mistake and thought it they were done. im wrong im sure but just a thought. Time went on.. there was another fourm post posted, "Forgiveness" ( ) Which in this post, i claimed this Copy and pasted nonsense to be nothing but "Bullshit", not because of the words and ideas it contained, but the way they were misused and abused in a very disturbing way to try to attack me, sebbacus, keevin50 the player that received all the bullshit, and unfortunately threw it back then threw some bullshit of his own, i guess to retaliate which is pointless :(. So if there was more to it, what was it? what do i need to forgive somebody for? what have i done that do not comprehend in my little brain? never really heard anything else, just another good scoulding. which i recieved a letter that day saying
"I have quit KZ
Because of hating, and spamming hate accs when im online. It's been like this for weeks.
The ones who do it is Sebbacus (calls me bully, tries to get me demoted) 2: keevin50 is spamming hate and harassing accs when im online. 3: sirmrmansheep. He tries to get me mad, and calls me harsh when i mute, while he doesnt give a shit when people grief. Im too lazy to show that ice and those things called humans are wrong
Why not leave and show my hate thru ignoring?
Koolio ICE or johnny doesnt understand
Im not coming back
Add me if you have it..." from johnny, yeah it is true, i guess even by typing a clicking a simple l key o key l key click post, i am just trying to make you mad, well that and show my expression of all this why so? what does this Old things from the past have to do with this? Well, a day after that was heard to be, never said anything really, but then suddenly i log on the next day and BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After almost a week someone left and practically quit over something they were accused of, is just back. "None of that never happend. I never did that. im still staff. I can still do what ever
" And that exactly what i observed. nothing, nothing changed. you think a lession would be learned after that, everything like it just never happened. i just watched it still happen. Practically the same thing, muteing, demanding players to do what is pleased WHHHHHOOOOOPPPPS! where is my manners, she did do better, she dident just kill them and then demand an apology and muted them, its just muting and luring to kill a player, not just killing them
i guess it has got better. But i still wonder, what about the other accusations? it is funny.
"I told him "justt so you know i like you alot kodsas, i am unserious" just so this wouldnt happen
All these forums...,gooooosh"
????? whats that spose to mean? please explain. beause that sounds to me like "oh your my friend and i mess with you because your my friend
"He didnt take screenshots so he couldnt show the positive things i did
And about being mean
Ice does the complete same to rui!!
He quit.
I cant stand all this argueing"
So when you get confronted about something, you bring the good "Ohh but i did this to componsate from that" to the table? Hahhaha what do we care about ice and rui and what they do to eachother??? is that spose to be you and kodsas or something you interpret? please explain. and who really knows why they quit, just like you said you quit and you dident and yes, you like arguing. Only a person who like arguing says
"No shit that it means that... Stop making everything into a big thing!!! You know you cant bring me down so just give up
I was saying that the your comment, go nothin reasonable to say stfu, well if it was unreasonable you dident need to respond with something unreasonable, just to try to stir up more of an argument, and im not the one making fourm posts saying "ban kott" and wicked sick fucked making ""forgiveness" posts to try to attack people hahahaha, or posts about me giving a player money, sounds like trying to make me giving someone money into a big bad thing 😛 and you i know i cant bring you down, you will just fall down yourself XD and im simply replying to posts regarding my simple lol that now i have been attacked for a simple laugh. Anyway back to your "Golden statement" almost 30 mins later....
"And yes...
i'm sorry for my ''bad'' behaviour, even tho i dont think it was as horrible as the other ones took it as, well if they took it bad im sorry for that and i will go calmer next time i meet any of them, i'm not going online to hurt peoples' feelings. I love being staff and being able to help players 100%. It's a great hobby to spend your freetime on... But all this argueing has really taken my mood to the limit next to rage, literally. It made me really sensitive. I didnt even answer on a simple ''hi'' when sebbacus was going on and on
and ye if u give me 1 more chance ill show the best of my ability"
Well, you "bad" behavior isent bad then? well whats bad? forcing every player to be your slave and tearing everylast place on kraftzone to pieces?? Just because you dont think it is horrible, doesnt mean somebody else thinks it isent horrible. Well, you say you hurt peoples feelings wont but you do obviously you told me to shut the fuck up and said i should just "give up" on what i dont know ohh i think i know, reporting you because i know it doesent do anything and it just looks bad on me
and it just turns on me. Yeah it is a greatime to spend your time on, but not when someone wants to take it from you and try to harass and bully anyone around in a stupid ass video game hahaha. no it dident make you sensitive, because once someone else is down you will go "stop being a crybaby bitch" hehe, you aint got emotions O_O rofl XD , ye one more chance sounds goodie. After all, i guess it is the first time this has happend. since everything i do is just senseless and void
I mean, what is it? apparently im just a screwed mini scaled brain who cant even comprehend a thought, how sad :D. So what is it then? appears to show screen shots, the first one showing: accounts made because of kotts actions towards assumed keevin50, not okay but then as i have said before nether was pushing somebody to this point and the others? what are opinons pretty much and you messaging someone about us being "mad" at you? Lol???? i dont think sending someone a message saying that really matters or help. Point is it shouldent happen in the first place. So what. Yeah, you i think people should know how you just "Quit Kz" when you lost or failed at an attempt of what you did(your forgiveness post, still like WTF??????) It just shows how shallow you are to just go "im leaving" once you got nothing to say hahahahha. I think you do enjoy peoples pain, might be a video game but i know some people dont enjoy randomly dieing and begging for peace they should already have. Then a psycho? well, hehehe most people dont understand what these people are and who they truly are. but hint: Usally always liked right off the bat, things they lie about is friendship "I told him "justt so you know i like you alot kodsas, i am unserious" just so this wouldnt happen
All these forums...,gooooosh
" ???? is that something to manipulate sombody into thinking pain they receive is just "though love" to attempt to prevent this fourm post ??(AND IF THIS IS NOT SO WHAT DOES THIS MEAN THEN?? PLEASE EXPLAIN)? Nope. they will have enemys or victims but they wont be able to do shit, so they have to "give up" because nobody listens to them and psychos are liked and people thought "well, its just mistakes" when it isent, its just someone having fun :D. yup. its funny, whats this like the 4th post about kot, and nothing huh? yeah shes just "hated" and "bullied" maybe by some people "she never" did anything to hehe and its all okay :D. I mean. Shit. I mean, i type 3 letters and im shoved into a depressing hole 🙁 where im just sad and where people want me to be. yeah point is i wrote lol to show that this shouldent still be happening. I mean, what i just said, being confronted, said "1 less staff 1 less player" said it all right there. You dident have explaination for what you did, just said that left for 4 days then made that twisted "forgivness" post and then made a o so sad letter leaving kz, that you seemed to send to certain people for a gathering of sympathy, since it wasent a public post hehehe it worked now your back harassing players
its just funny. Well i guess i just speak nonsense, so i guess just put me into my worthless place i guess everything i say is wrong, and everyone just lies about what they say. 🙁
SirMrManSheep i don't blame you for pointing all of this out, you are right to because it does effect other players and yourself and that is a concern for me.
And by all means let me know or post in the forum if you see kott has done something again.
However I don't think it is doing you any good to be getting involved like this. As I've already said this is kott's last chance to do something about how they are with other players on the server.
Believe me if it weren't for the mess with other players making things worse by saying stuff, this would have been a lot simpler to just remove kott from staff position, however its not so clearcut, and you are getting involved personally and taking things to heart, please just leave it and let kott's failure to change how they have been, be the reason for losing staff position.
I don't need you trying to make it seem like I've given kott more chances than what you think they deserve.
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