Some opinions/suggestions on the server.
1. When do /voteday yes says "You do not have permission to use this command"
2. I like it so far but the loot man, idk if this is default but after the 10th storage crate
I had some op stuff, ak47 etc.
3. The airport and big sphere literally right next to each other the north is like pvp zone
soon lol gonna be really hard to get supplies there later. -edit Just found a town too wtf
4. Them nights are long as hell, I'm crying in a corner right now. Also when its day it looks
like its dusk and not day, maybe just rain glitch idk
5. I died trying to climb sphere came back like 5 min later to not find my body, should
put the decay or whatever thing to like 10 min
6. Airdrops ain't falling no where close, should put a vote plugin for airdrops just like had
in 7dtd. -edit scratch airdrops completely they lag a lot... a lot.. my ping is pretty shit i
know but when airdrop came it was like 1500
That's about it for now also sorry didn't know where to put this topic later plz move
good suggestions
I'll take a look at adjusting some of that stuff later on
I did put betterloot on, which wasn't configured yet so that can be nerfed
"Them nights are long as hell, I'm crying in a corner right now. Also when its day it looks
like its dusk and not day, maybe just rain glitch idk"
yeh nights are pretty ugly.. and way to dark
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night and day lengths were at default.. its now 7mins for night and 50mins for day, until rust gets a better looking night time
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