i know this isent enough screeshots for this but sence yesterday the accounts got messed up... so did my enderchest and i hade sevral stacks of diamondblocks that i have earned thru the time i have ben on kraft zone
but i have a scree shot of them in my inventory about 2 or 3 days ago with all my valued items incase of a roll back but i realy need them back so koolio or any staff/support can you please help me out
was it photoshop or paint? 😀
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
One thing, how do we know the enderchest contained the diamond blocks? 😛
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Koolio honestly wen it comes to this shit im not playing wen it comes to this shit if the photos look like shit it maybe because of my pc but to have the only only one to possibly help me that kinda gets me pissed and if u want check my playtime
and red check the dates on the screenshots in the chats because i put all my good shit in my enderchest yesterday wen the server was having account troubles
Koolio honestly wen it comes to this shit im not playing wen it comes to this shit if the photos look like shit it maybe because of my pc but to have the only only one to possibly help me that kinda gets me pissed and if u want check my playtime
chillax I wasn't commenting on your screenshots as in terms of quality.. I was implying you photoshopped the diamond blox that was all.
Now back to the topic, I really don't care about you having that many stacks of diamond blocks, because there is no legit way you had gotten them, I've said it many times before I have more respect for xray abusers. Than those who auto farm spawners and abuse the jobs plugin. You want to tell me you mined all those diamonds legit or with xray? And thats all you've done while playing on the server?
Your collection of diamond blocks is surely going to be missed (if you have genuinely lost them), but if i have to start replacing your stuff when something goes wrong on the server then I'll have to start replacing even more players stuff. Now I always do as much I can to restore everything lost, and if you're lucky and ask me or other staff/support members when they aren't busy and your request is reasonable then you will most likely get given some or all back.
See those who are more interested in building good stuff will often get more help, but if the game is more about hoarding a shit load of diamond blocks, maxing your money, wanting best enchanted stuff for pvp.. then my care o'meter is pretty low.
And word of advice.. if you want have highest chance of not losing stuff in server issues.. then store it in a sign protected chest is usually best.
There are 2 things on the server that are very prone to getting wiped, Essentials player data which includes money, this is because that plugin always loads your data when you connect to the server, if something like a plugin screws up on the server, and causes bukkit servers most retarded development idea of writting pointless logs (ie repeated messages of the same information, when it should just be logged once until a change in event.. but hey try talking sense to idiots even if they have programmed some of bukkit server) to the server.log every second... which if the server is left for even an hour can soon take up lots drive space. Potentially leaving no space for loaded files to get saved at shutdown or restart of the server when it is noticed to have semi crashed. .. Well its a common occurrence that your data file gets 0byted, which leaves me with having to restore the last backup I have. The other is your world data file, similar issue with it getting corrupted, only it holds your inventory and thats lost instead.
So don't leave important items on your character all the time(like stacks of diamond blocks), only carry what you really need.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
u wanna know how i got them.. about a half of stack of thos were from mining but u earned the money to get the ore for thos blocks then i simply furtune them but like i said check my playtime and im not trying to argue with you Koolio but i had them in the ender cuz i thought that some one would register as me wen the server was screwing up last night and u can ask some of my close server friends that they werent fake such as WikiEpic, jds8585, xxNavyxxSealsxx, ClassicSmarties, Killadude360 and there are outhers i just named the ones that are well known to me. but i dont photo shop and if u check im not like all the outher people that like to give bullshit to admins and try to be suck ups. i dont ask for ranks i dont argue with any one and if im warned about somthing i souldent be doing i dont do it and the whole xray thing is true fpr me i use it to find bases not to mine but godfathr and a a few outher people hase xrayed for me but still i may get missed and u will see my ADHD come out into chat but i try not to disrespect staff and just players in general but if i get pissed then u see rage but i try to benifit to the server as mutch as i can. and i want to donate but theres some issues with my family that its were i cant donate 🙁 so just im saying this as a statement a mung most players in KraftZone and to the staff that work hard to deal with issues but im legit 90% 😉 of the time
look at all those ice blocks!
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Lol, the moment where Koolio removed my materials when I was a newbie... -cries-
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
"but i had them in the ender"
ok the other tip is not ever store anything in the endworld.. I delete that entire world sometimes to reset it, so that would be a bad idea storing any valuable stuff.
"i thought that some one would register as me wen the server was screwing up last night "
yeh, and it best to hide some chests far away from where your main town/ base is and don't logout in that area.. that way in the event someone gets onto your account they will have very little they can do to steal from you. In any event anyone logging on as you and doing any commands is always logged remotely so I can always restore and track down who has done that.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
yes koolio i understand that but i was like fuck wen the serer messed up and put evry thing in the chest incase some one would log on or the lockette plugin would mess up
yes koolio i understand that but i was like fuck wen the serer messed up and put evry thing in the chest incase some one would log on or the lockette plugin would mess up
This grammar is off the hook!
It's my keyboard and the keys don't respond we'll so that's why I'm using my iPad right now