Hello there, I'm arrowhead 😛
I would like to raise your attention that /give and /enchant are the 2 commands a -staff doesn't have. You may be wondering why we don't have those, i mean, we might aswell since we give items to players and make the players pay for the items and possibly enchant items using the anvil and enchant books and make the players pay for enchants that way.
But if i can speak for the staff, unfortunately, nobody realizes apart from us that this takes so much time up that if did have the commands /give and/enchant this would make us be able to help others more quickly and efficiently. There is only gain and no loss in giving us commands because we would people helping others faster and people would be able to trouble us less.
That's why i think we should get /give and /enchant.
Please think about this Koolio.
Thanks for reading
-ArrowHead (a staff)
😀 ~My Name is Dan, and therefore i am awesome~
I also think that if we are still going to be doing repairs that we could have a command for repairing like the donators e.g. /repair /erepair or whatever because it is quite annoying having to place an anvil then get out a stack of diamonds to repair things
I agree, giving out /repair,/erepair,/give and /enchant to -Staff's would be easier and less time consuming..
Also, we wouldn't have to trouble support for spawner cages if staff was given /give
Two things, you don't need /give, because staff shouldn't give items away. Second, there is an enchantshop. So if players want enchantments, that's the place to get them.
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Red you do realise that if we use /give to give players items koolio can see it in the log so it wouldn't make a difference
Are you realizing I'm not talking about breaking rules? You just said by yourself, you can't really use the /give command.
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
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No, I said that the /give command would make it easier to spot giving being given out because Koolio can see it in the logs.
Staff don't need to repair, it's just a "tradition" of sorts that central started.
As for /give, you shouldn't be giving players anything. Except sponges.
Staff don't need to repair, it's just a "tradition" of sorts that central started.
As for /give, you shouldn't be giving players anything. Except sponges.
That is why I specifically said "if we are still doing repairs"
Well Its accualy True /give Shouldn't Be For Staff Only Support And Up What do You even Need /Give for all you Need It for Is Too Give Sponges nothing elss .-. 😀
You get sponges in creative
As a staff myself I do agree that we need /give and /enchant.
I cant really build anything.
As a staff myself I do agree that we need /give and /enchant.
Pepsi your not staff.....
but I fully agree with arrowhead
1 thing, the reason why is because of abuse, not saying any staff would abuse it but you always get that one player that manipulates staff and trys to get stuff plus /enchant gives you any enchant (can someone say "god armor") /give, just no point to it, just have creative and you can get non legit blocks (the ones not in creative) and experience with not having those commands i can say it doesnt take that much time, it takes the same amount of time to do it as it takes to type it out, plus im not sure if those are "Op" commands and if they are then there is another reason handing out op to staff, not trying to be mean to staff or anyone, just stating my opinion.
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
I might add a rank inbetween staff and support, where you can get ./give and /enchant and few other things....
realy only thing is what would the rank title look like.. such a dilema
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like i said a few months ago Staff+ like a "training" for staff to be support or just to give dedicated staff some more perms without giving support
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
"but maybe change the name?"
How about [Slackers]? 😀
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That's not a great name
😀 ~My Name is Dan, and therefore i am awesome~
I like the name [Slackers]
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
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