Koolio, I think I should be staff because I persuaded other people to donate after I donated. PLZ. I'm sorry for the bad I have done.
Bekwon signing out. Peace!
bekwon you can't be staff for that, and what if making you staff drives players away.
I am interested in which other donators you persuaded though. Because it seems you are not the only one who says that. It seems like if you are a donator and others come after you, then that means you influenced them in donating.
Which doesn't really have much proof unless those donators come forward and say you influenced them.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
I have said that before, lol
Aww, come on Koolio.
They even asked me where to donate.
I would never drive players away.
I have been a head mod on another server for my skills.
I helped tons.
Koolio, plz let me become staff.
Bekwon signing out. Peace!
Koolio can you demote Jession2 from staff.
He is abusing, taking away my rights to talk, and being mean to me.
Just warning you before some kind of conflict happens.
Bekwon signing out. Peace!
bekwon, this is nothing new, people say stuff about staff all the time, and if they mute you there is a good reason for it, like some one i forgot who accused me of that, but saying demote a staff just to give you a bigger chance, lie or not, i have to say a no, not only because of that but because a staff member shouldn't advertize like you have done in the past
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Bluedudex2 I'm not lieing. It's true.
Bekwon signing out. Peace!
i wasnt saying your lieing and not saying that he is abusing ._.
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Aww, come on Koolio.
They even asked me where to donate.
I would never drive players away.
I've had players ask where to donate before, does that mean i can haz support? C:
Also, Jes is a LONG time player, and bek, you've advertised servers, have less playtime than most staff, and i don't see you on the top voter list at the homepage of the site
Yeah Bek, if anything i should be staff xD
Well I'm sorry you guys for breaking the rules. I apologize the most to Koolio. Also I will start voting. I just really want to become staff. I will try my best to help this server. Sorry to all.
Bekwon signing out. Peace!
Yoyu should not deserve staff. Ypu are a new player. You barely vote. You abuse powers exccesively. Ive seen u abuse so much. You go on creative and throw potions and kill people. You advertise servers so much. And just cause u donated don't mean others votes.
Bekwon, i feel there are other people on this server more ready then you, you have broken a big rule as you said, you never drive players away, advertizing drives people away, i think you have too much negatives going to you, that doesnt mean you cant try to fix it. I think you need to play more and start building trust with players before then.
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Yoyu should not deserve staff. Ypu are a new player. You barely vote. You abuse powers exccesively. Ive seen u abuse so much. You go on creative and throw potions and kill people. You advertise servers so much. And just cause u donated don't mean others votes.
So, your saying that Thecyberhedgehog is a new player did you check his stats he joined here 1 month earlier than you. and I don't see cyber abusing his powers if he ever did. Then someone reported him already.
Yeah Bek, if anything i should be staff xD
and how would that go??????????????????
I'll be back soon.
Yeah Bek, if anything i should be staff xD
and how would that go??????????????????
idk lol. I thought you wanted me to be staff xD