Hey guys.
we have been thinking about kz and the way the server is going. There's a lot of problems and things that we think need to be changed and feel like kraftzone should stay the way it ended but we still wanna keep it alive not in the same aspect as it ended but upgraded.
Seaofpain and myself feel like we should remove some plugins like the towny plugin and make it so there's a whole new world where everyone gets creative and can build freely. There will be ranks that allow you to get perks like worldedit,voxelsniper, and other things. The ranks will progress kinda like M-M+-Helper-Staff-Staff= and finally Support. We will rename the ranks they will allow you to have basic worldedit commands to the full access worldedit commands.
We, as a community, need your opinion and help though... Should we make it so the old kraftzone worlds are frozen just for look back and just have 1 or two running worlds.The two running worlds would be the newest world to be used as building without towny or anything and maybe the world18 world so people can play survival.
Kraftzone is our server and community and we just don't like the way the server is running right now and feel like if we let run the way it is right now kraftzone will end in a bad crash.
Just and update having the server run less things will make it better and easier for us to update to 1.9 and other updates quicker.
Honestly Kraftzone has always been a great server with all the plugins.. and such I feel we should move on with the server. Bring something new to the table, and let everyone get their creative side out 😉 . I think if you remove all the worlds aint the best move to make but as you said leave only 2 old worlds (the most recent ones) and set out 2 new worlds.
And adding new plugins may be interesting sometimes and having new features adding on could mean for the better or the worse.
But always remember we are still a community, we can still confront these problems together
Something else i need to add is there will have to be no more offline/cracked players it causes the server to have alot of extra things and we can't skins. most people have already bought minecraft and if you don't like your name you can always change it
"we have been thinking about kz and the way the server is going"
WE? Excuse me, what part of running this server under Kraftzone does NOT include me?
I asked to not make me regret handing you Kraftzone setup, plugins and my scripts on a silver platter. I thought I had made things very clear on how this was to work for the community.
You made it 1 week! Keeping me happy with this arrangement and now you guys have already fucked it up! big mistake #1.
Didn't think to consult me on these changes you were wanting to make first? You realize there is no Kraftzone supported server without my approval on that right? Your server? Our Community? I will cast you guys out right now and you have no part in it. You're imposters using my files to dress this server up to look like a Kraftzone run server without my support.
You go make your own server using your own files not mine, you don't get to run Kraftzone and make out like its a community server when you run it without consulting me on changes first! Even ones that go up for discussion and vote by players.
And you can't skins.. ;( wow.... sea wtf are you doing in my Admin rank, you barely know how to get this setup.
For everyone who plays on this server thinking its Kraftzone community server, its about to get my support pulled from it real quick unless this shit is sorted out soon.
"Kraftzone has always been a great server with all the plugins.. "
Yeah it has, and without it ... You may have all the kz plugins, scripts, but without my support its just another server and you can go your own way with it (trust me it won't be very far if its using any of my stuff in it)
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Koolio we dont mean to do harm to you at all we where going to contact you when you were online. but we thought we should post it because we thought you would be down with the idea.
i had admin rank because i was doing something as you can see if you come onto the server i changed the rank back to support.
woombo and i just posted this to get an idea and we would contact you based on the idea we get from the players
Put this back for players reference and woombo I'm still expecting a reply to my pm.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
we can't skins
didnt koolio make like a mod or something so we can see cracked player skins ?
Although i fully support the new idea it will not stop the server from falling even further and have even less players. The problem here is actually Minecraft itself. I no longer play minecraft although i have friends on this server which is why im here. When i did play minecraft i followed maybe 20 odd MC youtubers. Bdubs, syndicate, imanderzel etc, now they all play different games. bdubs plays a lot of rkt league, syndicate plays cod and cs, anderz plays fallout and cs. This is because nobody watches minecraft videos anymore, or atleast not enough people and this is because although minecraft had a good long life it is now over. its been in the spotlight too long and now people are bored of it, hence yters having to find money in different areas. If you go onto a massive server you will see that not nearly as many people play it anymore. This is one of the many servers trying to grab all the players they can and refusing to give up. You need to move on like the youtubers, find a new game or rebuild from scratch. minecraft is dead, not kz. Just let the server go. I dont mean to offend any1 but thats what i feel like. Its all so outdated. take my hint and move on. it doesnt really matter to me. Good luck
Fire melts ice 😛
Sebb your right and ur wrong. Minecraft is still a good game, but us old players just dont like the new updates like cmon i remember we didnt have these potions and enchants all we had was a wooden sword and not even a hunger bar. Think about it for example me I bought minecraft when i was 11. 11.... now im 15 people change,i dont even play anymore games at all. I bet those yters arent looking for new games because minecraft is bad maybe they just dont like minecraft anymore. I miss the old days, when i gamed 14hrs a day. Now.... I work.. I have to study i have to this and that it frikin stinks man, I wish i was 10 again play cod mw2 1v1 fgt on rust and be proud to say "get raped by a 10 yr old."
Well even if Kz is dead or not and even if minecraft is dead i love both in my heart every good server i have been on holds a amazing place in my heart but this one was most impotent because it taught me how to play minecraft so just respect that fact and let it sink in for a minute i dont care whats dead or not this place was where i would come on everyday it was my happy place i once even made a Christmas gift for the staff well i tried to it didn't end well in the end but one day i got perm muted for no reason
and then that was the day from then on i wouldn't laugh i stopped playing i got angry until one day i came back on someone tped to me i put down a sign that said unmute me and they did and for the first time in 1 week i smiled smiled with joy that could play smiled because now i could have friends again and i had found a place to be happy again
so let this story sink in and think of the good times on the server and why it might not be dead Just think for a minute let it sink and you will find a memory of Joy, Happiness , and fun
Nice post mineocreeper, always nice to hear about players experience on the server. Things like that happen sadly, but you got it sorted out and happy ending after
"one day i got perm muted for no reason"
Sorry to hear that.. the mute command was terrible.. because unlike banned players joining or tempbanned, there would always be a server log and a chance that I might notice it and especially if it was a mistake or staff member had done something I wasn't aware of like banning a player I wouldn't have thought would do anything to get banned etc.
But a muted player could rejoin the server and I'd never know they were still muted and neither would any Staff member know, unless they were the ones who muted the player... I would guess it was probably a mistake that you got muted permanently or at least a mistake that you were forgotten about and not unmuted... KZ staff had rules to follow when it came to how I wanted the server to be run.
Anyway here is my 'Staff Basics' thread that is sticky'ed in the Staff forum ... Thought I'd share it, I wrote it years ago for any Helpers to read before they got Staff rank... It was how I wanted the server to be run when I wasn't doing it, and I think all KZ staff did a good job on things.
Always try to help players understand the basics, with how things work on Kraftzone.
As staff you should be familiar with most the commands available including the various helper commands such as...
/vote (playername)
/welcome | /kraftzone
/tblocksWhere I have put (playername) eventually you will be able to just direct the information to that player name without needing to use the below announce commands.
For all of the above commands there is usually a staff/helper only version that announces to everyone on the server the same info. It is sometimes useful to use these as a way to provide the relevant information on the screen to anyone asking about something that one of these commands would provide the info they wanted to know.
/avote (playername)
/awelcome | /kraftzone
Use /espawner ..it will give a list of the mob types.Never sell more than 10spawners to the same player, or multiple players of the same town who are building grinders, just follow the rules of /spawner
/erepair all
Staff don't have to do repairs, though you should charge for doing them if you do.
Troublesome players
Fights, trouble, ..................
<time> = can be minutes, hours, days.... 5m, 1h, 2d
Always make a distinction between a new player who has just joined and a regular player who votes and holds a rank higher than the default.
Preference and leniency always goes to the regular player or the player with the highest rank.
Except in the cases when it is the player with the higher rank who is causing the trouble.
Warnings - Always make it clear you are giving them a warning, and say what will happen (ie next time it will be mute, tempban) if they persist in doing whatever it is they doing to get them in trouble the first time.
Kicks- This is generally only good when a player is not listening or ignoring you, don't be quick to just kick players out of lazyness to not talk or warn them. Players should always be given a warning about being kicked if they continue. Kicking is not a replacement for a warning. They will often reconnect and if what they were doing was disruptive to the server they will do it again most likely and you will have to deal with them again when you should have warned them that a mute or tempban would happen.
Mute- Only good for when a player is causing trouble in the chat, and has been given plenty of warnings that they would get a mute if they didn't chill out and stop reacting to things said in the chat. If multiple players are involved in a fight that is disrupting the chat give warnings to both of them. Mute lengths should only ever be 1min -10mins for first time. If after the mute they continue, then considering either a longer mute, or tempban.
command /(e)mute <playername> <time>
example: /emute Bob 1mMax length 1-10mins, longer only if you will be on the server after the mute expires. Never longer than 30mins to an hour. And never longer than the time you will be playing on the server if you mute without putting a max length, so muted players are not forgotten and left permanently muted!
Tempban - This is the highest form of action I permit staff to use for troublesome players, players should have been given warnings that this would happen, or there actions on the server were deemed enough to give them a tempban regardless of them being on the server or offline. If you make a tempban you should also have screenshot evidence, or written evidence explaining what happened, and what further action should be taken.. Such as full ban and or ip ban off all servers.
Updated-23/04/2014 Make a new topic or (post in a topic you have already made) on the staff board with at least minimum information (playername, tempban time etc) and what had happened, and if further action is needed If they were advertising then you should still make a topic so they can be ip banned.
command /(e)tempban <playername> <time>
example: /etempban Bob 1dMax length 1-3days.
Always a shorter length for higher the rank, and make a post on the staff board about what happened.
Currently we do not have any easy way to make notes on players, but it will be implemented in the future so that both Kraftzone and KraftWars can sync all mutes, tempbans, bans, ipbans, and notes made on players name/ip for respective staff+ on those servers to be informed.
Seriousness of griefing depending on if they griefed a protected area, or just an unprotected area.
If they are online, warning or tempban depending on seriousness, and rollback area.
Minor griefing, just a warning.
In all cases: Instruct the towny, mychunk or sponge owner on how to better protect the area they own, and ask them to kick out the griefer and any other relevant players who might have joined in a group at the same time.
This can be split up into 2 cases, the new player who just joined and is spam advertising.
Instant tempban, and I suggest getting fast at doing it because it is usually not the server advertising, but the spamming of the chat that is disruptive to players.
/etemp SpammerName 3d
2nd case.. the player is a regular, or higher rank than member.
They are advertising, give them a warning let them know they should use a server list to advertise etc.
Muting is not recommended for spammers or advertisers with 1 exception, you are support rank, you have social spy on, and you are going to be on the server for duration of the mute time. To make sure they are not just advertising via private messages. The only reason you would do this is so they stay on the server longer.
I do not recommend it though.
Similar to Advertisers, but always give fair warnings to regular players spamming nonsense, if they are a new player spamming then kicking, muting or tempban.
The KZ staff board is like a hidden piece of server history, I haven't taken a look at it since closing the minecraft server but looking at it again today since reading your post.. I almost feel like unlocking it to members to look back on, the screenshots of griefed buildings towns, the server chat / spam that staff sometimes took pictures of, the drama, the banned player reports.. lol you guys would enjoy looking back at it from the side of those who helped run it back from when it started through its popular period right upto to the closing. Perhaps even remember being present at the time of such events.
I don't think some of the ip addresses that might be exposed in some posts would matter years later would it heh . So maybe I might go through and sort out the topics and posts that can be checked and unlock the 100's of threads and posts for all to check out 😛 or not I can't decide, you'd get the see hidden kz history though
Maybe if there is enough interest in it I'll do it.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1