Koolio is crap at LoL so he banned me... not really my fault
😀 ~My Name is Dan, and therefore i am awesome~
*A tumbleweed rolled across Titan - and not a single fuck was givin.*
*A tumbleweed rolled across sly guy's brain - oh wait, what brain?*
😀 ~My Name is Dan, and therefore i am awesome~
My my, what a comeback. I'm at a loss for words from that breathtaking statement.
But really gtfo before you make a bigger fool of yourself lol
😀 ~My Name is Dan, and therefore i am awesome~
I'm crap at LoL... not at all your fault Arrowhead ... you are a funny troll!
.. This is how it went .. you invited me to a 5vs5 game with you and 3 others ( I generally have a rule not to play with others who aren't lvl30 in that game for a number of reasons) .. I go jungle without help at start (bad sign already).. while you go top lane (duo toplane -what a fail) and you let a lvl13 ad carry go bot solo! (I'm guessing you must have known this person to have them in your party) .. oh and I'm the one here getting the kills myself..
My stats for that game... 13kills, 6deaths, 3 assists... and those were the best scores in that game.. the deaths only happened later in that match, cus of the stupid plays you and your duo q failer plus mid did.. u all sucked and solo lvl13 ashe fed the enemy hard something mid should have helped with instead of also going top lane to feed. btw I was the only player helping that guy who quiet frankly was terrible.
There is only so much any good player can carry in that game... but you, along with those in your party that I was invited to help were just complete noobs. Sorry no other way to say it, and you yourself Arrowhead are a complete arrogant fking tit!
you got banned for coming on to my server and spreading bullshit, after i told you to not invite me for a game like that again . You are disrespectful to me, and then think you can come onto my server and talk shit about me after I play in a game with you... FUK U .. you are out of here! Also you were demoted for a number of reasons, and quiet frankly I wish you were never staff as you have a real bad attitude.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Quite* you no grammar using dick sucker
😀 ~My Name is Dan, and therefore i am awesome~
As I see your grammar, you could use some grammar lessons.
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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Why does everyone feel the need to stick their dick up koolio's ass every second? He's not fucking God because he owns a mine craft server he's always on.
😀 ~My Name is Dan, and therefore i am awesome~
Quite* you no grammar using **** ******
I don't see a proper verb?
You don't use grammar*
And the title?
Not my fault your crap at LoL
It is not my fault that you're crap at LoL.*
"Your" is a possessive pronoun.
You probably wanted to use you + are = you're.
Common mistake, but it is not proper grammar.
BTW, I'm Dutch.
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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Make me a staff >:D
Wow this is to easy...
😀 ~My Name is Dan, and therefore i am awesome~
Arrowhead, it's called having a bit of respect, got nothing to do with dicks.. maybe if you weren't one, you would understand.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Sticking dicks in your ass is not having respect
😀 ~My Name is Dan, and therefore i am awesome~
Pixels are your life
😀 ~My Name is Dan, and therefore i am awesome~
Well continue being a disrespectful dick and trolling to the point of no return..
p.s. I can see why you would make that statement about pixels being my life... should I like be upset? shocked? amused? I can tell you right now I found it funny.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
I'm crap at LoL... not at all your fault Arrowhead ... you are a funny troll!
.. This is how it went .. you invited me to a 5vs5 game with you and 3 others ( I generally have a rule not to play with others who aren't lvl30 in that game for a number of reasons) .. I go jungle without help at start (bad sign already).. while you go top lane (duo toplane -what a fail) and you let a lvl13 ad carry go bot solo! (I'm guessing you must have known this person to have them in your party) .. oh and I'm the one here getting the kills myself..
My stats for that game... 13kills, 6deaths, 3 assists... and those were the best scores in that game.. the deaths only happened later in that match, cus of the stupid plays you and your duo q failer plus mid did.. u all sucked and solo lvl13 ashe fed the enemy hard something mid should have helped with instead of also going top lane to feed. btw I was the only player helping that guy who quiet frankly was terrible.
There is only so much any good player can carry in that game... but you, along with those in your party that I was invited to help were just complete noobs. Sorry no other way to say it, and you yourself Arrowhead are a complete arrogant fking tit!
you got banned for coming on to my server and spreading bullshit, after i told you to not invite me for a game like that again . You are disrespectful to me, and then think you can come onto my server and talk shit about me after I play in a game with you... FUK U .. you are out of here! Also you were demoted for a number of reasons, and quiet frankly I wish you were never staff as you have a real bad attitude.
Question? (I am not taking ArrowHeads side here because i like him :P) This is a completely different game... so, for minecraft.. who cares? I could see the disrespectful part being a problem, but him spreading rumors about u being bad at a game, you know it isn't true and probably people on the server know that is a lie. But, I see your reasoning, being disrespectful is bad, and un-called for. Just my opinion (it don't matter :P)
That's what your grandmother said to me last night
😀 ~My Name is Dan, and therefore i am awesome~
Cyber he wasn't just banned for making out that I suck at lol... its how he was doing that ontop of the disrespect he has had for a while. And he was spamming that out in the general chat trying to get back at me, so he got banned for it because I wasn't going to get into an argument over it.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Me: Enjoy getting banned...
Arrow: Koolio won't ban me you tard
~ Arrow after griefing me
Yea... nice call there bud, stop raging the forums nobody cares what you have to say.
inb4 terrible comeback