Something you 3 need to learn about, ive realised.
Forgiveness is letting go of the need for revenge and releasing negative thoughts of bitterness and resentment. If you are a parent, you can provide a wonderful model for your children by forgiving. If they observe your reconciliation with friends or family members who have wronged you, perhaps they will learn not to harbor resentment over the ways in which you may have disappointed them. If you are not a parent, forgiveness is still an extremely valuable skill to have.
In the movie “Avalon,†the uncle stopped talking to his family members for the rest of his life because they started Thanksgiving dinner without him after he was excessively late for the zillionth time. What a waste of energy it is to stay angry for decades.
Forgiveness can be a gift that we give to ourselves. Here are some easy steps towards forgiveness:
Acknowledge your own inner pain.
Express those emotions in non-hurtful ways without yelling or attacking.
Protect yourself from further victimization.
Try to understand the point of view and motivations of the person to be forgiven; replace anger with compassion.
Forgive yourself for your role in the relationship.
Decide whether to remain in the relationship.
Perform the overt act of forgiveness verbally or in writing. If the person is dead or unreachable, you can still write down your feelings in letter form.
What Forgiveness Is Not…
Forgiveness is not forgetting or pretending it didn’t happen. It did happen, and we need to retain the lesson learned without holding onto the pain.
Forgiveness is not excusing. We excuse a person who is not to blame. We forgive because a wrong was committed.
Forgiveness is not giving permission to continue hurtful behaviors; nor is it condoning the behavior in the past or in the future.
Forgiveness is not reconciliation. We have to make a separate decision about whether to reconcile with the person we are forgiving or whether to maintain our distance.
Forgiving and letting go can be very difficult challenges, but it’s even more stressful to hold on to grudges. There are several symbolic letting-go rituals that can help with the process. If you are having trouble forgiving someone else, write them a letter expressing all of your feelings and explaining why you need to let go. You don’t need to mail that letter — it is cathartic just to write it all down. You can also write down all of your excess “baggage†on a piece of paper and burn it or cast it into the sea in a bottle when you are ready to really let go.
There you go Sirmrmansheep, Sebbacus and keevin50.
Now. Where is it?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I think your nuts. This is the most outrageous thing i have ever seen. YOUR TELLING ME 'I LACK FORGIVENESS FOR YOU" WHEN YOU KILLED AND HARASSED PLAYERS MULTIPLE TIMES, and then when they called names, you harass them and go "Apologize, you lack forgiveness for not saying sorry for you calling me a name when i bother you, you have to be bothered and harassed when im around because im "Special" if you really learned forgiveness and let it go, you wouldent have bothered to add "Something you 3 need to learn about, ive realised.
Forgiveness!" "
There you go Sirmrmansheep, Sebbacus and keevin50.
Now. Where is it?"
WTF??? you dident burn it or cast it into the sea you just tried to make me and these palyers look bad XD
You dident even have a proper explaination of what i or these players did to you, Just rambled some bullshit and called us "unforgivers" indirectly.
sea?? i sea my name sea :O :DD
:ooo :ddd DDd:d:d:d :irriririririririrrir FNFJNGKFNGKJ
I'm sorry to hear this Kot but i don't understand what are you talking about? About why you need to post this kind of stuff?
SirMrManSheep didn't say anything about you getting banned or anything he only said that it was wrong for your part to harass other players and disrupting others. Keevin was so confused, I'm pretty sure you wanted revenge. But I'll tell you something revenge will only make it worst.
We just want you to restrain yourself in these situations and not overeact over stuff like this. You are a great Staff but you must learn how to restrain yourself in dreadful situations.
We want the best for you and none of us wanted you to get banned.
I forgive you honestly sometimes you can't control yourself because of some stupid players. You simply wanted to give what you tasted, harsh and horrible actions. But you must try to ignore players like this or else you'll never control yourself.
Next time try to be in more control of yourself. Try not to explode and do the same to others. Try to take a breath or talk to someone you trust.
If you didn't do any of these actions we would of punished Sebbacus and Keevin for actions they made. But you all made mistakes and you all had great reasons to why they should get punished and why you shouldn't be punished.
Message from sebaccus.. I will kinda miss her :C she made the server more interesting 😀
It's easy to forgive but it's hard to trust the same person again :/
i have controlled my feelings over those things called humans for long. But did anything happen? NO. Only when you freak people react
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
We react because you shouldn't have done those actions :/
Ill pm it all tomorrow, ok
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
But even tho you knew the whole story you should of told us it it be more easier to guess why you had done those actions...
If you got mad about this you should of told us why at least tell the Staff. So we won't overreact.
They must of done horrible things to you that may offended you but you must understand that you don't have to do this.
Making them suffer will only make you suffer more.
Harsh actions might of been occurred but you didn't do well.
I understand you really but you need to ignore players like sebbacus and keevin, if you do so it will make you more relief and less angry.
You might never forgive them for what they did, it's alright but you need to try to forgive SirMrManSheep.
He's right after all.. he's just saying what you did wrong and why you shouldn't of done it in the first place.
What you should of done instead.
Sebbacus and Keevin did disrespectful actions, they must be punished but you didn't have to kill them and troll them. Koolio would of done it and all would be resolved.
Kott whats going on just tell me
I'm here to help
I thought this stuff was already cleared up in the staff chat ? or is this something else that has happened today?
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No it's because she thinks that what she did wasn't bad. That she knew the whole story entirely, thats her excuse to let us know that seb and keevin must suffer like that
Just rambled some bullshit and called us "unforgivers" indirectly.
More like copy pasted from psychobablistcentral.. and just added the lines
Something you 3 need to learn about, ive realised.
There you go Sirmrmansheep, Sebbacus and keevin50.
Now. Where is it? are guilt tripping those who had just pointed out how you were abusing your position and that you needed to handle somethings better. That was it.. there was no need to go off thinking anything else, accept that you made a mistake and try to not let it happen again.
Now you haven't even been on the server since that staff post so I'm thinking you are holding grudges, please don't!, previous staff have done that and they got cut out expecting sorry's from others when it there own fault.
I suggest you get back and move on past this or step down from staff position, staff conflicts are not something I need especially when other staff were just trying to get you to see you were making things worse, you need to see that situation for how it has come across.
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I agree COMPLETELY with sirmrmansheep, and I agree mostly with johnny, if you would like me to forgive you for something could u specify what it is?
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." mahatma Ghandi said that C:
"Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much." Oscar wilde.......hmmmm interesting 😀
"Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies." margeret stunt.......scary!!!!!!
I would forgive u and leave everything in the past if I had some reassurance that u wouldn't just do it again....what happened last time you were forgiven?
I like quotes ;D I think I will use them more often see what famous writers and religious leaders think about events in my life :D.....I think they are only too nice tho...they don't understand who I have to forgive
"the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.
"she is quick to ask forgiveness when she has overstepped the line"
synonyms: pardon , absolution , exoneration , remission , dispensation , indulgence , understanding , tolerance , purgation , clemency , mercy , pity , lenience, leniency , quarter" quote from google C:
my English teacher always tells me off for using quotes that are too long lol.... well...she did in my last assignment....we had an extract from a short story and......why am I even telling you this lol....I was writing about forgivness lol, (she also tells me off for rambling
"forgiveness is freeing another person from a grudge, it is a wonderful thing to do and feel good until they stab you in the back again" Sebbacus 05/10/14
Fire melts ice 😛