So, I haven't seen any other towns do this, so I guess I'm first. Anyways, here it is.
[1.3-1.4] Maliwan Recruitment Thread
Our Description: We are a new town that was created a few days ago thanks to a few generous donations, but are already thriving and looking for new members, and as of now we have 4 members, and my (SantaKlaws) alternate account. Our leader is me, SantaKlaws, who is a mature and kind leader, and will never get extremely angry at you for doing something wrong. When you first join, you will spawn in our main factory building (where you may keep chests until storage is ready). If you walk out, you will see the Chasm, where cheap housing and storage will be. We strive to be as helpful to our newbies as possible, and you may receive diamonds upon showing that you are mature enough to stay. We are expanding our town every day, and hope to become big enough that we can start a nation. However, it's not that easy to join in the first place, as you will have to pass the application process first...
The Application:
-To apply, you must copy and paste the below form with your own answers. Exclude the ()s and use proper grammar please. Using texting language and including the () will almost certainly mean you will be denied. The form is below:
Minecraft username: (enter your username here)
Time spent on Minecraft (which month did you start playing, what year)
What skill are you best at: (>diplomacy, mining, building<, this is optional)
Will you follow all orders, assuming they are serious and logical: (yes/no, if you go in more depth it will improve acceptance chances)
What timezone are you in:
Why do you wish to join:
Other things about you: (not necessary)
---End Application (do not copy this)---
Remember, the more in depth the application, the higher chance that you will be accepted.
---Final Info---
To be in this town, we expect you to be semi-mature. Yes, you may swear, but don't rage when you die, and don't direct personal attacks against other players. Please don't spam chat, as it gives a bad reputation to the town, and will result in you getting kicked. We expect you to be loyal, and to not just leave the town without reason, which should be told to me via forum private message. Griefing is unacceptable , whether within the town or outside of it. Doing so will have you kicked from the town. Do not accept TP requests unless you wish to be killed, even if you're within town borders. Obviously, if they're within the town you may, but try as hard as you can to keep foreign TPA requests to a minimum, unless it's visiting day, which is held on a Friday, and is when anyone can come to our spawn and check us out.
Mayor: SantaKlaws
Assistants: (No assistants)
---Green means accepted, red means denied---
---I hope you read the above text wall, as it will ensure that you stay in Maliwan and not be kicked---
Thanks for reading this, and hope you apply,
Owner of Maliwan- "Inventing the future"
We now have a website at!
Your town has a website? Swag.
Wow, um, just, why o.O No need.
lol, sounds pretty neat.. I'm wondering if I can't find someway of making use of you towny data, on the website, sort of giving town mayors a proper town gallery showcase on the website.
Or like a town forum section, hmm
just don't think there would be the interest, however I am looking at changing the website in the future so maybe a feature in there somewhere
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
Wow, um, just, why o.O No need.
Because I love making websites for things, even if there aren't many people who will view it. And no one else had done this, so I took a crack at it 😉 And I know people from other servers who may want to join. Oh, and Koolio, what will you change the site to? Phpbb?
1. Troin
2.Start: 05.2011 order: building, mining
4. yes
5. UTC+4
6. Want to build
Denied. Sorry, but you did not provide in-depth answers to the questions (which you should do). You may reapply as soon as you want.
Excuse me, SantaKlaws, but I can answer in-depth only for 6-th point: I want to build THE BULDINGS, because I love build and I love when another people say: that's coool/awesome building/home/town etc.
And I want to help other people to build a dream (or, maybe, not a dream, just something for a pleasure)
About me: 27 years, from Russia
If you need more, ask!
Troin: Pending. I will invite you to the town, where I will question you. Depending on your answers to these questions, you will either be kicked or accepted.
We are building plots that you can buy for 5k and turn into whatever you want. The exp grinder has also been fixed.
Minecraft username: Zoarfy
Time spent on Minecraft probably 2 years, since beta 1.3 came out
What skill are you best at: building and mining
Will you follow all orders, assuming they are serious and logical: yes, if i am told to do something i will do it. It isnt that hard to follow orders and if it would make the town better I see no reason not to
What timezone are you in: Eastern daylight time
Why do you wish to join: I like to be part of a community and i feel if i joined your town i could help out. another reason that i want to join your town is because you seem like a nice person (offering to help me out with towny)
Other things about you: Minecraft is my favorite game, closely followed by borderlands/borderlands 2
Zoarfy, Accepted. Welcome to Maliwan, I hope you enjoy your (hopefully until next reset) stay!
Minecraft username:samsammy42
Time spent on Minecraft: since 1.2.5 came out. I joined Kraftzone the 11th October 2012
What skill are you best at: Better at mining then building
Will you follow all orders, assuming they are serious and logical: yes,ill do your commands
What timezone are you in: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Why do you wish to join:Because I don't have a town and I like your town its nice.I cant still help you building some houses that you need to build,even if im not good at building stuffs
Other things about you: I can speak English,french and Tagalog.
Tagalog=The official language of the Philippines
Maybe ill have alot of wrong spellings and stuffs because i am not the United States i am born in Montreal,Canada i speak better French then English
sorry for wrong spellings and stuffs
samsammy: Denied. sorry, but your application wasn't in-depth enough. You may reapply as soon as you want however.
I like you'r epic Town Website
Thanks. NOTICE FOR ALL: If you're a good builder, you'll have a higher chance of acceptance, however we will still take the highest quality application over yours if it uses bad grammar.
Minecraft username: (enter your username here)HappyToe12
Time spent on Minecraft (which month did you start playing, what year) I started playing March when my friend taught me about minecraft. I played crack for a while then about 2 months ago I bought minecraft premium.
What skill are you best at: (>diplomacy, mining, building<, this is optional) Mining, building, PvP, and I seem to have good luck when enchanting
Will you follow all orders, assuming they are serious and logical: (yes/no, if you go in more depth it will improve acceptance chances) I am very funny, and I play around a lot. But when I have to be serious I am serious. I am logical and I will follow your orders.
What timezone are you in: I live in Jersey City, New Jersey and that is Eastern time.
Why do you wish to join: I wan't a good town to live in since I left the server. I used to own a very popular town. It had the mosts members. I think it had about 100 then I left the server. I left for about a month and a half. And I gave the town to the people I trusted. They made the town fall into ruins. I know how to handle a town.
Other things about you: (not necessary) I am a great pvp'er. I build really big houses since I enchant alot of PvP alot. I brew potions alot. I also used to own a potion shop. As I said before I used to own a really good town and it was the most popular town on KraftZone. I would love for this town to grow. And once I am a long time member I would love to get assistant as I am really popular on the forums.
Thanks for reading~~ Happy~~
Thanks for accepting me into the town Klaws
i wunt 2 join ur town cuz i r smart and i luv bilding
my naem is BrandonPKC and i em 31