Hey guys,
I have been thinking a lot and talked to other members about maybe getting a new warp to a world,
A whole new map and fresh start for everyone when we go to the new world we get a whole new inventory and see the spawn that zking, woombo johnny and i have made, this map will have everything the same as the current maps just a fresh start to fix the economy and to make the server a bit funner, its just an idea we will need to work on to see what we can do to make the idea better and maybe happen.
Your input and feedback is appreciated and welcome. Help us make kraftzone better than ever.
Can do, it will mean that "world" or /survival will be frozen with more building or destroying allowed in that world.
The new world will replace it, now just a question of what sort of world any particular world generator? or just the default?
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
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default I think
Fire melts ice 😛
default is better amplified to much lag, and no flat space to build
Enlarge the borders so players can explore and build more bigger. Default map looks better less lag. Live better. =)
But I still wonder about the economy, is that gonna be reset too?
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
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hopefully the exonomy resets, also i vote no admin shop, makes building wayy to easy, imagine mining and farming your own material to make buildings and what not.
So pure survival?
sorta, chestshops can pass
here's my input~
World Type - default no need for amp,
Borders - great idea johnny if we don't have amp it should be bigger
Economy - yes red, the eco will be reset two different inventory's im pretty sure. no way to bring old items into new world.
Chris no admin shop? that's not a great idea not everyone want to play pure survival so there will be a gui shop it doesn't mean you have to use it.
Another thing is i think the economy should be reset but everyone should get 10k starting money.
if you have any ideas on how to make the new world map a better place please comment below thank you all so much for the support on our decisions to help make kraftzone a better place and we hope to see you all online more often.
I may have Some ...but they come later.
10k? >.> thats like 6 stacks of logs, you can already build a mansion with that. I say start with 0, and then no shop, make ur own shop get money, go to other people shops and buy stuff there. Thats really fun in my opinion searching for shops 😀
You can always set up some kind of area with playershops if you don't have an adminshop.
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
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yeah, im not against shops, but like if theres 1 loophole in admin shop, the whole economy is ruined.. so easier if playershops cuz sell/buy to eachother always balanced
There are still questions not answered.
Which are the following:
- Pvp [on] - [off]
- Griefing [on] - [off]
- Should there be any Staff?
- Warps [on] - [off]
- Protected areas [yes] - [no]
- Perms to players [yes] - [no]
Concerning the new map idea:
- no amp = less lag
- expand borders to the limit = more terrain to explore
- admin shop = too easy (IMO)
- playershops are something we should try to see if it works and how players organize what they sell and buy.
- If no shops are created, maybe have a challenge to get money. Obtaining money should be harder.
- Reset economy, starting with nothing or at least 1500 $.
- Remake kits or just no kits
- Don't transfer items from old worlds to newer worlds.
- No overpowered items
Concerning server ideas:
- Maybe rules should get rougher (stricter)
- Clean chat meaning no swear language (overall a better place)
- Make Support into "Moderators"
- Pvp [on] same as before
- Griefing off why u want griff ;-;
- Should there be any Staff? what do u mean
- Warps [on] - [off] on
- Protected areas [yes] - [no] yes
- Perms to players [yes] - [no] explain please
Concerning the new map idea:
- no amp = less lag
- expand borders to the limit = more terrain to explore
- admin shop = too easy (IMO) i dont agree sorry
- playershops are something we should try to see if it works and how players organize what they sell and buy.
- If no shops are created, maybe have a challenge to get money. Obtaining money should be harder. player shops are in the new spawn (if koolio uses the map i showed him"
- Reset economy, starting with nothing or at least 1500 $.
- Remake kits or just no kits what do you want in kits?
- Don't transfer items from old worlds to newer worlds. yep off
- No overpowered items LOL ovi
Concerning server ideas:
- Maybe rules should get rougher (stricter)
- Clean chat meaning no swear language (overall a better place) ehh not such a great fan but if it is decided on please be a plugin that blocks the words
- Make Support into "Moderators" huh?
When the new spawn is uploaded on the server staff and support need to help ie
new signs with info also if he uses the map there is a house that has signs also in the same house theres a different room i think that should be the new enchant shop. we should also maybe add a new enchant (x or higher) unbreaking and efficiency
What I mean by perms is like shouldnt like Staff get less perms or something. Or should they stay as what they are now. Admin Shop is eh. Like chris said if there is a loop then the whole economy is just corrupted.
Nvm about the Staff thing..
The admin shop has so many loops for so many players. I mean like those who have creative can just give themselves the items then just sell the items and get money... So it's basically getting money w/o the time to get the money by yourself.
Perms, what I meant was Donators who currently have creative should they get permission to creative. Creative is a powerful tool and have many useful actions you can do with it.
The enchantshop is like BRUH.. You are saying that unbreaking or sharpness 10 and higher is basically not considered OP. I don't think the community needs more OP stuff that are just less OP than the predecessor items. With lower stats.
When I said no overpowered items meant like all the items that are just surpassing the vanilla version. It's prob boring but if you want a stable server than I think this is the way to go.
Economy on this server is just pretty bad atm. So many loopholes.
Why did Koolio name Support: Support.. why not Mod or moderator. I feel like Support is less important now. It's just probs that I play I game that has supports who carry the team. For me the title support is a huge opportunity to get in a mc lifetime. But I get this feeling that the title support is kinda like a person who is just supporting the server and that moderator title gives it more of a good feeling. I don't know about you guys but I just feel this way.
New spawn ... make it simpler please. God some players kept falling at spawn or dying.
About the like the words and stuff its just to prevent players going nuts all the time and going FUck every 2 seconds.. I've seen it. Hey it's just a suggestion so what ever KOolio decides well it will go. Pretty sure that swearing is a habit for everyone I guess since no one gives a damn thing about it.
ok the thing about the enchant shop, it isnt "OP" it just really depends on how the person got the money, like your example someone just could've gotten creative sold lots of stuff then bang has 10 sets of god armor... cmon dude.. but I think it isnt considered OP if lets say someone has worked hard for the past idk month or two mining.. farming.. digging and what not thten I think that person actually deserves it.
Also that PvP thing.. uhh Im not to 100% sure.. but if im correct most fighting started from pvp like the Lv127 weapons.. stolen weapons.. now im not against pvp yeah we should have it, but like we have to do something about it, maybe only allow pvp in arenas made by players/staff. Or maybe have a special part in the world that allows pvp, and people who enjoy that can make there base there with others and just fight everyday.
Protected areas.. yes. But Koolio has to fix mychunk or find a new one... maybe we should help him find a better system to protect. Cuz im sure if we give people WorldGuard... stuff will happen we will regret.
Warps...? To what...? no admin shop.. unless the arenas... hmm yeah I guess warps are okay aslong as they're only made by Staff.
Also I noticed that all you guys forgot mentioning this so I will now to avoid future problems.. Creative Donators. I think some people will be mad if we just suddenly take there creative away, when they paid for it, so in some way we should give another perm for them, maybe like more homes.. umm idk just more perms.
Kits.. I think we should have no kits at all, because since this is a cracked server people can just make accounts accounts accounts and just get the items they start with and give to there main. Same with money maybe we should give people idk 1.5k/2k money after they played for 1hr or so.
do you guys not know that people with creative cant sell? while in creative, we cant drop the only thing we can do is place blocks and like kooglio said yesterday what should we do i said lets look for a plugin that blocks that. so ores and stuff cant be resold. through my past years the admin shop hasn't had many loops and if there was one they where fixed.
you can buy creative its a perk at the bottom of the screen therefor no.
i wasn't saying that there not OP im just saying that some people later on might want to buy the enchant so its there only the unbreaking and the efficiency one tho not sharpness or anything like that.
new spawn lol its not our fault they fall off who told them to go jump.
pvp again if he uses the spawn theres a place that can be turned into a pvp arena.
no new worlds just for pvp if you dont want it then have god mode on or on your protected area turn pvp OFF.
nothing is wrong with mychunk and he cant get a new one lol, if you think you can find one go be his guest.
lol more homes? that wont help anyone thats a slap in the face. creative stays the same with a plugin that blocks special blocks from being broken. simple and easy.
from my understanding everything needs to be looked over by the staff and koolio. we shouldn't rush this project it can make or break the server.
from my understanding talking to kooglio we need the following plugins for the new world-
creative restrictions (special block breaking drop)
gui shop (admin shop)