yes, I am making a helper app...I may have done a few herpy derpy derp derp stuff in the past but as Kott said in her app. "I may not have the best history, but live in the now, not Before, not in the future. ".Also I haven't really done anything major greifing...I think a very long time ago I got pissed at some guys for killing my 20 horses that I worked hard for and were protected so I killed a bit of grass on the floor of their floating platform... As I said, that was a long time ago. C: I have started to vote aswell. last month I got more votes that pepsi 😛 and this month I have lots...well, so far anyway, I will be trying to keep it up. I did a bit of research and found voting is a bit different to how I thought lol, I will vote from now ON! C: in total I think I have like 40 votes, very sad least my play time is like 13 days C:.....wait, that's also sad, but in a different way lol. anyway, im going to stop talking random crap and start the app C:
oh, I actually want to talk moer about myself, nvm lol. anyway, I also sometimes use caps, but EXTREMELY rarely and only when I am ultra pissed, anyway, when kotts online I cant even used capital letters without being banned for half a year so I don't really get the chance. Another thing...I sometimes say vulgar things when I am pissed.....just ignore me C: I don't mean it C: im just pissed, and tomorrow I will be fine. I always have a good reason to be pissed tho! and 99% of the time its swede related. for example...if someone is testing out /jail on me.....that's VERY annoying, and I cant really play, I don't like selfish people C:...hmmm, what else..... oh yes, I sometimes swear, its habit, and is mainly when I am pissed off......when someone is moving everything around in your inventory its VERY frusterating. Basically, I will try not to get pissed off, then I will be PERFECT!!!! well....more or less C:
Another thing, I don't want people to think im jelous of kott being staff, which is what koolio thought, I see why he would think that lol, but I honestly don't!!!! That is also not why I am writing this post, I was just reading lots of really old stuff and felt like it might be cool....You know, the othe day, a new guy came on. asked for admin. I said if u want to be staff you can get some play time and some b votes racked up and then make a helper app.....guess what? he left! anyway, I am getting VERY side tracked. I was actually going to say jelousy is a personality I cant stand! oh dear... I better just start this app properly before I get side tracked again...Oh btw, this is my second app, cos I started writing one yesterday, but I cant find it now lol, don't think it got posted, anyway, this one is way better, I had some time to think about what I was going to say ....a lot of time ^^^ NOW IM GONG TO START I PROMISE!!!!!!!!
name: sebbacus, u can call me Seb C:
position I want: helper, show people that they can ask >ME< for help when people first join. hopefully one day I can be staff and help people even more C:
joined: idk, like February? I think I joined at like the same time aas kot lol, its funny. I definatly remember talking to her whilst making my first house.....odel!
votes: NOT ENOUGH, no really read ^^^^
Why I want to be helper, I see so many people come, then leave so quickly, and even more people struggling when no staff are online, more server people the better C: shame loads of old helpers left, they could have been staff :C, I guess I can take their places C:
Why I should be helper: I AM AMAZING!, and also I like to help people....if I like them.....and if im not pissed. I would show u an example but its on my other PC.... wow, shame I don't have my old app still.....there were so many reasons on it....nvm, I can think of them again....I am on all the time....don't judge me.....I can be funny when im in the mood, in my opinion anyway 😛 😛
..... Im also a fabulous builder (not gay fabulous) in my opinion again...everything I build has been inspired by something I have seen, u know my dragon I made? that was on the front cover of a book called "the red knight" by miles on chapter 2 now, don't read it much, I mainly read another book called.....why am I telling you? you don't care lol. side tracked again C: I will think of more reasons C: Im just a bit buisy now cos im ina rush to finnish this!!!!
Why I shouldn't be helper:
I hope people like this post, I will put in a screenshot of me being amazing tomorrow maybe C: its not on my laptop sadly :C
I put those cos I didn't want to end on a sad face C:
Fire melts ice 😛
also, my judo teacher (I don't play judo, its compulsory at my school for 2months cos of some legacy program we have to do) said today he was a 6 time british world champion at judo, and he had been in 2 Olympics. someone asked, why are you here then> shouldn't you be really famous? he said, no, I want to give some thing back.....same with me C: I have reached some of my goals with kz, ( I got 1m without gmc ) and now I would like to help other people. I am not saying I am tired of kz tho lol, I love it C:
Fire melts ice 😛
started writing one yesterday, but I cant find it now lol, don't think it got posted
this is why I use lazarus there is one for chrome aswel but its meh like chrome
Anyway you can start helper rank this month, will change your rank in game next time I see you on.
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C: O: that was a lot easier than last time lol, ty, I am on now btw C: ty!
Fire melts ice 😛
lol, if I knew it would be so easy for me to get helper, I wouldn't have made my post so long, i spent 40 mins writing it lol (with a break to get coke) I bet most people wont read half of it lol guess it could have been longer lol, I didn't mention a lot of things such as how experienced I am
Fire melts ice 😛