First joined: The 21st of December 2013
Total votes: 49
Time played: 9 days 6 hours 22 minutes and 39 seconds
Age: 11
I have loved this server since I first started playing, raging because I couldn't build a round house. Before that I played on a bunch of other survival servers, but none of them really felt right.
When I came here I felt like I had found a server really built for me, with all the fun plugins and games that make Minecraft great, so I kept playing. After figuring out the commands I built a town
and told my friends at school about Kraftzone (I always called it Kraftzone with a k). Lots of my friends came on, along with their siblings and we all shot each other and punched each other off cliffs (this was our idea of a good time). I decided to donate, and, since I had spent so much time on here I felt that Kraftzone had more than deserved it. I didn't have much spare time, so I didn't
play. I have come back after a long time and I'm getting back into the swing of things again. I really love to help people and give them anything they need, whether it be friendship or some help building
I really don't like swearing and try to prevent it as much as I can. I would love it if I could be a helper as it would help me help others (as the name suggests), and I hope my age doesn't prevent me <3
HarryHooshi :3
If in doubt, remember that cats are fluffy <3
Why does your name suggest you don't like swearing?
I thought that was a very good app and that you should definatly be a helper, although you said you have played here a lot before, I haven't seen you before and you have only 2posts, im not sure if your experienced enough, although your play time is over 9h so it should be fine and im sure you know all the cmds.
Finally, you say you give away diamonds, I have been told many times NOT to give away powerful items (in my case beacons)but its probably good advice you should stick you may have gathered the server is currently having some.....difficultys controlling over powered items such as free god gear and swords with evry enchantment level 127!
I think you would be a good helper though, maybe practise the cmds a bit because I think you have been away a long time from the server? And don't give away large quantitys of diamonds! a few are probably okay to give to some close friends if they need it!
Fire melts ice 😛
dude its ok to give diamonds u get legit. But its not ok if u have creative and give diamonds...
Also this is a very nice app :D, another thing idk if 9h is enough.... but yeah. good luck 😉
i got beacons legit.....
Fire melts ice 😛
Then idk the reason not to give them... who said you cant?
well....when ur giving out like 20 I guess it DOES disturb the balance a bit....
Fire melts ice 😛
what balance? lol
well....if everyone on the server has god items and unlimited money they wouldn't have to work would they? and they would get bored of the server.....extaccy gave me that lesson on economics quite a long time ago
Fire melts ice 😛
If Everyone had god items and unlimited money they wouldn't get bored of the server, they would find something else to do on the server like PvP... maybe try out for Staff... maybe donate.. or just help noobs.
if they tried out for staff we would have like 5milllion helper apps (which is kinda whats happening lol) and those who cant get staff will PVP, that's gets old after a while and lets be honest, kraftzone isn't exactly the most ideal PVP environment is it? also causes arguments. and if they donate, most of them are 8 and their mums wont let them, and if they can potentially donate they wont because they don't need any of the advantages you get from it because they will already have everything they need. finnaly, helping noobs :/ well, that's a nice idea but there are not really that many noobs and that's kinda boring in most peoples opinions.....
Fire melts ice 😛
I find helping noobs interesting... the way the evolve... and become normal! its the best thing in da world! especially if they surpass you! like kott!
lol, but not every1 thinks that way do they, I do, but other people dont
Fire melts ice 😛
A server who is a survival server at first is for goal to get god armor by their own not by someone higher ranked then him give out some god armor to him. So giving items just makes them have no other goals to achieve since you gave him/her those items.
They try out for Staff but most of them fail, you know that applications where they say Hey I'm new and I'm experienced cus I have OP armor I know few cmds but it's okay I can learn them (they won't) Koolio is so awesome he is the best (actually never met him).
Giving items out is just bad for the server, we constantly lose players because they have nothing to do on the server since they already have someone built his house + has OP items + has a lot of money. Trust me it's fun for awhile but then you'll have nothing to do since you have already achieve such thing. So I recommend not listening to Creeperz and be a bit smart about giving out items to new players, friends or best friends. Items like these in wrong hands could be abused.
ppl that dont, dont have a life. and will never have a life. they are just empty bodies without souls...
Thank you johnny! you explained my point very well
Fire melts ice 😛
;o never thought it that way... hmmmmmmmm your right... but like i kinda feel bad if I dont give someone something that I barely use like a flydisc.... so ehh~ imma stop giving dem out.
(500th post :D)
did you really need to post that? no
did I really need to post this? not really
I think the point has been made
Fire melts ice 😛
Why does your name suggest you don't like swearing?
I thought that was a very good app and that you should definatly be a helper, although you said you have played here a lot before, I haven't seen you before and you have only 2posts, im not sure if your experienced enough, although your play time is over 9h so it should be fine and im sure you know all the cmds.
Finally, you say you give away diamonds, I have been told many times NOT to give away powerful items (in my case beacons)but its probably good advice you should stick you may have gathered the server is currently having some.....difficultys controlling over powered items such as free god gear and swords with evry enchantment level 127!
I think you would be a good helper though, maybe practise the cmds a bit because I think you have been away a long time from the server? And don't give away large quantitys of diamonds! a few are probably okay to give to some close friends if they need it!
I don't give away big quantaties of items and I would never give away god gear. Just one or two if they need some help
If in doubt, remember that cats are fluffy <3
I live in Australia so that might be why I haven't seen you online a lot
If in doubt, remember that cats are fluffy <3
really? get a 50cal sniper, aim it at the ground and the bullet should come up my ass!......considering the bullet makes it fru the earths core.....might have some trouble with the bedrock.....
Fire melts ice 😛