Hello kraftzone players and staff!
as some of you may know i seaofpain have been a total dick to everyone
and i really am sorry about what i have done these past days, i feel very sad and i wish i could have a rewind button and fix this mess i made.
i hope that everyone that reads this accepts my apology and kooglio allows me into this awesome server because i am truly and very sorry!
thank you for reading this and kooglio i just want you too know that every rude and hurtful comment i made about you and the server is a lie!
i for sure will NEVER do anything this stupid again
thank you for reading this and kooglio i just want you too know that every rude and hurtful comment i made about you and the server is a lie!
or you are just lying to get back on the server...
You wrote this yesterday...
Atleast im not a 30 year old virgin that owns a server and can't deal with players.
also if i was a kid like Conner and took the pain killers i would have died and you could have gotten into lots of trouble think before you type you butt hurt cunt
ohh yeah and thanks for the God armour, sword and 3 mill.
later cunt ;D
The replies to that have been moved, however this is not reason enough to unban you..... you don't get back on that easy. Its far to easy to lie when you can come out with garbage like the above and the next day think everything will be good again.
I'm really curious about what everyone else thinks of you being allowed back on the server until then you can take a timeout.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
🙁 i really am sorry but i understand. thank you for thinking about giving me a second chance
I think that seaofpain should be given a 2nd chance after a temp ban for a few days.
Nice tobi good idea
honestly what i think is tht seaofpain at first shouldnt tell his opinion to Koolio. He should of kept it for himself even tho its not polite to say tht to the admin. I for most think he should maybe have a break from kraftzone a while and then Koolio might unban him. But i think for the most i prefer if seaofpain would be unbanned after a week maybe? Your decision Koolio.
Seaofpain why did u even tell him tht he was a cunt lol u knew he will ban u and even ip-banned you?? What you told him was wrong and disrespectful. Hope u learned a great lesson
Thank you all for the nice feed bad! and omg a weeek :O its so long
i just said maybe dude
I think Sea has been Banned long Enough He was playing before me and he has been a good faithful player for a long time everyone makes mistakes, but everyone deserves a second chance. Come on Koolio will you give him a second chance?
Im With Jdub Seaofpain is cool he did not mean it and he told Jdub and me he would stop He needs a 2ed chance u need to give it to him koolio
thank you all for the replys! i hope i can get back on soon
Koolio won't budge that easy to comments like what Johnny sad
the reasson he's been a faitful player to Jdub and kcherry is becuse you guys are friends and
he's not acting like a jerk to you guys
Mess with the best, die with the rest
besides theres alot of ppl tht arent commenting on this topic. im not saying this will effect anything but i just said my honest opinion but if Koolio decides tht he will be ip-banned its fine with meh. Also i know Koolio wont unban for this because it was just dumb to do so. Its not if he says he would stop on this topic he would stop. Most of them say so and then few days later they do it again...
Its actually not us to say weither he stays or goes. Offortunetly i think its better if Koolio and other Staff decides.
I'm really curious about what everyone else thinks of you being allowed back on the server until then you can take a timeout.
seaofpain ik wat he said but the greatest is if staff and koolio decides u can join back or not. so far if he doesnt reply it means u might be for a while and might not be unban sooner or later <----- its just a thought
Why are you reading this comment I am typing? stop reading it now pls no stop stop stop....,