Kraftzone (/server main) has gone back to 1.7, the 1.8 server builds were just too unstable (as I'm sure you have all noticed the recently) and it required removing many plugins.
Updates including all your missing plugins are back; sidebar scoreboard, jobs, damage indicators, mob rewards and many more! , also minigames like /mp join (remember put your inventory in a chest before joining minigame plugins out of habbit if you do not want to risk losing items and (/mp leave to quit) .. cod zombies will be on again, and many more I will try to get working.
I have left the proxy servers to allow 1.7 and 1.8 clients (as the motd in the server list says) because the lobby server, and the faction server will both allow 1.8 clients to connect, both those servers don't have anywhere near the amount of plugins and features of kraftzone main and so don't seem to have crashes.
Also incase you haven't heard the news (not that crap about Notch selling out Mojang to Microsuck for even more money that he gives back to the community NOT, or making the game better instead of relying on everyone else doing it for free)... No I'm talking about all of the Minecraft Bukkit server staff, which if Bukkit didn't exist neither would this server. The entire staff team quit over the DMCA claim and the piss poor handling and total incompetence of the news by Mojang employees imbecile Jeb (Lead Developer) and asshole Vu Bui (COO).
The DMCA claim which Wolverness had every right to file copyright over his contributed code which was not to a fully open source licensed project. It really would not have been an issue at all if Mojang had been fully honest with the community when they hired the main contributors such as Dinnberbone under a contract that allowed them to take ownership over the project 2years ago, neither did they sort out the project dodgy dual license, which they refuse to do, even though it goes in the face of Notch's own words to open source the project in future, too late now! open sourcing the Minecraft server (which is a pile shit anyway) would actually be a good thing for the whole community and solved the Bukkit license issue, its not even open sourcing the main game client.. for history.. e"> (same page was replaced with corporate crap now)... not many noticed when it got changed...still its Notch's own words..
The future
I plan on developing Minecraft until it's a finished complete game, with a downloadable client (with fullscreen mode), custom key re mappings and possibly modding support.
For as long as people enjoy and purchase the game, I will develop extensions after the game is done.
Once sales start dying and a minimum time has passed, I will release the game source code as some kind of open source. I'm not very happy with the draconian nature of (L)GPL, nor do I believe the other licenses have much merit other than to boost the egos of the original authors, so I might just possibly release it all as public domain.
...funny how instead Notch sold out to the worst offenders of exploiting developers, open source projects and just about anyone in the way of them making money by monopolizing, copyright and corruption, fucking Microsoft.. maybe Mojang and MS had something in common after all 😛
And Mojang have sat on owning the Bukkit project while many community developers took who worked for nothing took over after Mojang hired the last guys that worked on the project. Without Bukkit there are no Minecraft servers that are worth a damn and Minecrafts popularity would not be anywhere near where it is today. There is still no sign of a proper official API for Minecraft, something I call carrot on the stick as it has been 3-4years since Mojang have said they would create it (it would most likely never have been anywhere near as powerful as the community made projects like Bukkit api for servers or for Forge for client mods).. Notch has made millions on this indie development project and been very tight on hiring developers to work on these tools.. they cashed in while letting the community do the work for free instead, a perfect fit for Microsoft.
Anyway without anyone working on Bukkit to update it to 1.8, things are going to be slow in plugin updates, new plugins, fixes and just general progress on anything. It has come to a standstill as no one really wants to work on something that is potentially a dead end, even more so with MS owning the game.
However Kraftzone will carry on for as long as it players who want to play on 1.7, just bare in mind that without progress and direction in Minecraft and server plugins things are going stagnate. The semi good news is that there are other Minecraft server projects that have been started to take over from Bukkit, but the work involved in those projects is a huge undertaking to try catchup years of work that was done on Bukkit, not to mention that even if such projects could get a compatible 1.8 server out in the next few months, it leaves an even bigger job of getting server plugins ported over aswel.
I cannot say what the future is for this, the news of M$ buying Mojang has not left many impressed, because nothing has really come out with what their plans are for Minecraft and all the little details that really matter. Infact since that deal has been done, Mojang have sat on the issue with Bukkit for 2weeks now.
In other news my 7 days to die server is growing ( (thinking of moving it to ) I'm practically remaking many popular Bukkit plugins for that instead 😀 And the developers have at least more than 2 fucking people working on the game, which is more than could be said for Minecraft where Notch only hired like 2-3 people to work on Minecraft for years, so I guess if you ever see that game on steamsale I would recommend getting it and coming to play.. its more Minecraft v2, than I ever see MS accomplishing for Minecraft.
tl:dr V, read it!
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
I actually read it. Just FYI I haven't been on lately because of these damn reading projects I have to do at school. Anyway koolio you should start programming Minecraft yourself and making it into whatever the hell ya want.
I cant really build anything.
Hey koolio idk if you remember me but i use to play on your server a while back as Raider61 well now I've got a premium account and i tried to join with the 1.8 but its not allowing me it say the server is out of date and i can't join if you could email me that be great.
Well sorry for answering but had to (its a reflex)
Downgrade to 1.7.10 xD (server isnt updated to 1.8 yet)
open launcher and change to 1.7.10
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hey koolio idk if you remember me but i use to play on your server a while back as Raider61 well now I've got a premium account and i tried to join with the 1.8 but its not allowing me it say the server is out of date and i can't join if you could email me that be great.
It's like people don't even read... even the very first line of this topic....
Kraftzone (/server main) has gone back to 1.7, the 1.8 server builds were just too unstable (as I'm sure you have all noticed the recently) and it required removing many plugins.
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
well i did read it because you said 1.8 would be able to join and i.m not able to
and how do i switch my versions of 1.7.10 cause I've never done it on premium
1. Launch the premium launcher
2. To change your version, click the “Edit Profile†button on your launcher
3. Find the “Use Version†drop down menu and choose the version the server is running.
4. Click Save Profile
5. Click Play and then choose multiplayer.
That’s it!
You can change your game version anytime. This lets you visit servers regardless of what version of Minecraft they are running.
That reminds me! koolio, a guy logged on last week, and asked me if I was your friend. I replied "I know him if that's what u mean" and he told me to tell u that he played 2 years ago and pissed u off and now he is really sorry because u banned him and since u banned him he hasn't played minecraft since.and he was sad but EXTREMELY formal...then kot said "vagina" and he was less formal but still more formal then me :D. He was also rambling about he is always in the newspaper and how old he is (he asked how old u r koolio but I didn't tell him) and he asked what u r like.... kot awnsered that question :D. And that's about it...cant remember his name sadly...probably something long...infact it might have even been 2 weeks ago now lol...anyway.....BYE!
Fire melts ice 😛
sounds like wikk
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
WIKKD3stroY3R something
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
OMG he left long ago.. want a second chance.. then he'll lose it. My vision 😀
Was really nice to talk to actually
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
XDDDD WIKK! he left the day I joined.
saw you, thought euw, left
UNSERIOUS (just so it doesnt come any more fucking forums about me)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)