Server should now be 1.7.10 ... (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Mojang >:(
Day of update...
*I plan on shutting down all servers http://Kraftzone.net (Main/Lobby) & http://Kraftwars.net this weekend for probably less than a hour maybe not even 10mins Will update this post if anything changes on the date otherwise notice will be provided a couple hours before in game.
Most the work on updating plugins and server files has already taken place, I just need to run the uuid conversion on the last updated player datafiles which can only be done when I stop the server and copy the last saved files.
I have also done some spring cleaning so uuid conversion shouldn't take to long (less player files to convert) ...anyone who hasn't bothered connecting to the server in the last 2-3months is being reset***
Main server
- Horse stables plugin, discontinued. I would suggest getting your horses tp'd to you and put in a protected area very soon! as any horses saved by this plugin will be lost forever! /horse I will try to find another similar plugin that is just as good (hopefully) and has an active developer.
- Your player INVENTORY may end up being reset for you** I would highly suggest storing any items in chests before leaving the server until the 1.7.9/10 update is complete*
- Money, home teleports, last spawn location these might also end up being reset for you. **
- However if anything is reset for you after this update, Kz staff will try to help you get it back***, player data files containing your last known money amount, home teleports, etc will be backed up and available for Staff to check and help restore.
- There maybe a few more plugins that will be missing after this 1.7.9/10 update, however there will be a return of many minigames and other plugins to make up for it shortly.
Lobby server
- Same username/passwords will work, though the plugin for registering and login has changed, it works much the same way though
** This id due to the uuid conversion that needs to run on world player datafiles (mainly stores inventory), and also essentials playerdata files(money, teleport data etc.) And due to this server allowing premium and non-premium Minecraft players, the uuid conversion checks to see if the playername is a premium account, if it is, then you get a Mojang uuid, if it is not a playername that has a premium account, then it gets a offline name generated uuid.
Example of what a uuid looks like: 27f5240e-8e73-4e88-9c39-c35edfe5cd6a
http://kraftzone.net/id/Kooglio (can change username/uuid only works for premium accounts properly)
You can also put in a uuid and it will check to see if its a valid premium account and return the username or the valid mojang uuid.
Instead of players having plugin data stored under there actual username in human readable format, it will now be stored as a uuid. To make matters worse online(premium) uuids and offline uuid's are different, even if the playername is the same. Mojang could have easily just made it easier for servers to allow players to change there name per server, and allowed server owners to allow or deny those name changes to take place on there server (much like nicknames but less shit because they would be actual playernames), without uuids at all. And its also bad timing on pushing such a major change in Minecrafts lifetime (should have been done years ago.) It could have easily been implemented in any other number of ways so as not to make it a server management nightmare.
Uuid conversion is Mojangs new way of screwing around server owners (while telling people they will be able to change there premium account name in the future, much like the modapi that is coming in the future, like they said over 2years ago)
***Staff have priority on helping active players first if you do have any missing account data that needs restoring.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
How does one staff restore an invintory data?
I cant really build anything.
How does one staff restore an invintory data?
They don't.. i never said staff would be able restore inventory data, I said "player data files containing your last known money amount, home teleports, etc will be backed up and available for Staff to check and help restore." but not inventory.
So some players may indeed end up losing inventory if they do no store it in a chest before this update.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
hi what will happen to wilderness1, wilderness2, and wilderness? will there be any changes there?
i am a virgin. i like pelicans and unicorns and sunshine and lollipops and candies and chocolate and eating and being fat and shit why are you reading this wtf
nope.. but wilderness warps do need refreshing or moving to different locations.. all maps/towns/area protections will be fine
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1