no scavenger
nuff said
will see how it goes with the scavenger nerf, not going even think about adding new worlds until after 1.8 out
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how about this koolio? is this cmd affected whatsoever by combat?
i know on some servers, you get killed in-game or banned for combat logging, but what about this system?
what if there is a match between 2 giraffes, and they both have scavenger active. if they are both in combat, can they still disable the cmd? and how will the other person know?
personally, im a cheating bitch (not irl, sort of. no homo). if im fighting another person, and I know for a fact I will lose, I will just disable scavenger and bam, nothing lost. but what if I actually do win, but it turns out that giraffe im fighting also turned it off?
its gay.
so maybe take that into consideration.
(as for the new world) - whats the problem? actually i dont know shit about commands, or making new worlds. but id sure be willing to help to build a spawn, arena, or anything for it. im sure dozens of other people (maybe some you dont trust) would say the same. and a world really is needed tbh. it will 100% guarenteed attract many players. who are pvpers. (and maybe?) we can get alot of players that way again.
and what Kodsas said, there should be scavenger, otherwise what Johnny says is true. this server IS really becoming a building server. need a solution? add a message for when they log in. so they know basic commands and /warps - to get them started.
want an even better idea? make the spawn like a walkthrough. some servers ive been on, put me in a jail cell. with a little story. and you follow the paths, and the signs to the end, where there is an epic portal you walk through and *poof* your in the real spawn. this walkthrough, can teach you about basic commands, and in order to actually finish the walkthrough, you need to repeat what the signs say. for example.
"You login and you are standing in a room." - you look at chat, a guide shows you what to do "walk out of the room, follow the signs" if you dont repeat them, then you get teleported back to the start. (this can also prevent spammers or botters) - this walkthrough, can teach people the rules, simple commands like /t info, /sethome, /spawn, etc. and can teach new players about the servers, you can show a wall of who is the admin, who is staff, etc. you can also teach what will happen to you if you grief, spam, and so on and so on. I can go on with what you can add.
^thats a good idea, because then new players will have a sense of whats going on in the server, and maybe, it can lure them in. and make them have fun!
im just saying, if you really want more players, and even though it will seem stupid, or time consuming, you should add a new world. add or make a new trailer (im getting back home in canada in a week where I have my good computer so maybe I can help? (I got fraps)) and advertise, and perhaps instead of $2400 or flydiscs, add new rewards to voting, like diamond blocks, or even more cash like $5000, with a jackpot prize of $50000 or some shit like that.
I know, this is alot of stuff, maybe irrelevant to scavenger item restore. but I spent like 10 minutes typing all this so im not erasing it XD
i am a virgin. i like pelicans and unicorns and sunshine and lollipops and candies and chocolate and eating and being fat and shit why are you reading this wtf
If you guys have any other ideas for Koolio then go ahead. We will be waiting your responses. Take Mejran for example when he states his opinion or ideas he explains.
well according to 6 people (look at my Liked Rating) my ideas suck.
i am a virgin. i like pelicans and unicorns and sunshine and lollipops and candies and chocolate and eating and being fat and shit why are you reading this wtf
No. You do not know what that is used for. Also that shit died months ago... It's more of spam now.
No. You do not know what that is used for. Also that shit died months ago... It's more of spam now.
your right. I actually dont know what its used for, but its funny lol idk why im a crazy dolphin. BUT lets keep the topic to scavenger item restore!
i am a virgin. i like pelicans and unicorns and sunshine and lollipops and candies and chocolate and eating and being fat and shit why are you reading this wtf
there is a bug no matter what yo do you still lose your stuff
i dont like loosing all my stuff when i die please put it back
its true. it is bugged. even if you turn it off or naw you los everything.
welcomeback Hots
i am a virgin. i like pelicans and unicorns and sunshine and lollipops and candies and chocolate and eating and being fat and shit why are you reading this wtf
maybe you could restart the kills and if you killed 3 players scavenger will turn off forever without toggle 😀
Dude,Dudes,And Dudedes
Help Me By Pressing The Liked Ratting thing
its not bugged. I thought it was bugged. lots of people did.
but I figured out the "bug"
people say they lose everything when they die. its not true. you keep the first item in your bag if your registered. first 2 items if your member. first 3 items if your member+
so pls, stfu.
i am a virgin. i like pelicans and unicorns and sunshine and lollipops and candies and chocolate and eating and being fat and shit why are you reading this wtf