Server has gotten a little to easy, so easy its become boring because if you do pvp, no one drops anything.
So I've changed a few things...
/scvron - Self enable scavenger
/scvroff - Self disable scavenger
The default is you have scavenger enabled unless you turn it off, however the other change is that you will no longer have you full inventory restored upon dying.
Instead only your armor, and your hotbar will be restored, anything else you have in your inventory will now be dropped and potentially lost.
Use the poll or comment on if you like the changes, have other ideas instead, or would prefer scavenger removing completely?
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I think with this you should add pvp kits. or make a change to /enchantshop -(enchants are very expensive)
and if ur going to add this plugin in general, I think that when you die, you should lose everything, including armor that is being worn and everything in your hotbar. let me tell u why u should do this:
-everyone that knows that you wont lose whats in your hotbar, or what armor is being equipped, will only bring enough things, to fill their hotbar. - will make this plugin still useless. this will mean that pvp will still be pointless, unless your going to be stacking potions for days, but lets be honest, when has that ever happened? (i actually dont know). no "serious" world pvp has actually occured.
so, that is why you should have everything lost once you die. including things in hotbar/ armor being equipped.
i am a virgin. i like pelicans and unicorns and sunshine and lollipops and candies and chocolate and eating and being fat and shit why are you reading this wtf
How about registered players lose everything except the very first item in the hotbar?
Members lose everything except the first 2 items on the hotbar?
Member plus lose everything except the first 3 items on the hotbar?
Armor and backpack inventory is lost for everyone, though higher ranks upto donator will get more of there hotbar restored? The hotbar only holds 9 items which would be like tier 3 rank.
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I think you should choose yourself. Not so everyone is the same, like you choose if scavenger is on Or nah.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Well that option is there.. but this server has become boring, the sad fact is that the pvp fights and the chaos is what made the server more active. Those players goto other servers because what is the point in pvp if no one drops anything. And the people who do build see this server is to empty, its really just on the decline partly because of these changes.
And if you don't drop anything, then you don't lose anything and so you rarely ever need to spend much time getting those items again. Because repairing items has also become very easy especially for those who get it done free from donators.
So scavenger is for now just going to be used to partially restore some items.
There is already plenty of ways of staying in protected areas where you cannot die from pvp.
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ok, how about this (just an idea)
without activating the command /scvron and /scrvoff - how about,
if its off = you lose everything in your inventory EXCEPT for whats in your hotbar and what armor you have equipped.
if its on = you lose everything in your inventory INCLUDING whats in your hotbar and what armor you have equipped.
also (another maybe good idea?)
add bonuses or buffs to having scavenger active, for example=
- deal extra damage to players and mobs.
- move faster or jump higher
(or you can just take the buffs from the beacons for example) - this can motivate people to turn on scavenger, with getting a few perks, but if they die they lose everything. I think this is a good idea. but if they dont turn scavenger on, they get 0 perks/buffs, and they will only lose whats in their inventory, not whats on their hotbar or armor.
QUOTE FROM KOOLIO = "How about registered players lose everything except the very first item in the hotbar?
Members lose everything except the first 2 items on the hotbar?
Member plus lose everything except the first 3 items on the hotbar?
Armor and backpack inventory is lost for everyone, though higher ranks upto donator will get more of there hotbar restored? The hotbar only holds 9 items which would be like tier 3 rank."
this might be a bad idea. notice the last line. "though higher ranks upto "donator" will get more of there hotbar restored?" this is bad (and unfair) because you will have registred users or just other users who go up to Member+ but then you have people who donated up to tier 3, and those donators (who paid real money) will have more items restored. that should be changed if you are to add that sort of system.
also, you should add kits that can be unlocked by achieving a higher rank. as for ranks, you should add more of those too. instead of ranks that you can only unlock via voting. -remember you can still vote EVEN if your offline. so something that you should add is playtime.
ex) Member rank = 20 votes + 24 hours played time
Member+ rank = 100 votes + 5 days played time
(just an idea)
-sorry for long post. just lots of ideas XD
i am a virgin. i like pelicans and unicorns and sunshine and lollipops and candies and chocolate and eating and being fat and shit why are you reading this wtf
I think it should just be a legit survival server. It's not our fault people are getting themselves into pvp. It is easily preventable. People shouldn't be able to keep items upon death since it's unfair to players who kill them.
#NoScavenger c:
Actually this post is not that bad it's always good to state your opinions about something or ideas to us. So we can improve some things.
I kinda like the idea with the extra perks you get along when you activate scavenger and when you disallow scavenger. So players would be more interested to pvp.
I have this idea
Maybe every time you kill someone it counts as a point so they can earn perks or kits. A kill should be equivalent to 1 point each and so if you get to X number of kills you get a perk. Every time you get to X number of kills you get better perks and kits. Perhaps to gain the first perk or kit you'll have to kill 10 players. At 10 players you get Speed I. Then for the 2nd perk you'll have to kill 25 players to get a perk such as an upgrade of the first perk. So the second perk would be Speed II.
Kits would longer to get such as maybe the first kit will be at 50 kills. When you get to 50 kills you get a full set of iron armor + iron sword sharpness I + 5 steak. Then for the 2nd kit you'll have to kill 100 players. The kit would be iron armor prot.2 + iron sword sharpness 2 + 10 steak + 2 gold apples.
What they could get in kits:
-Potions (regeneration, health kits, splash potions)
-Health kits
-Golden apples and God apples
-Better armor such as diamond prot. 4
-Special enchants on swords
Mcmmo can be used during pvp. I recommend players to start leveling up their mcmmo skills such as Axes, Swords, Unarmed, Archery.
I have 1155 kills... I would be rich!
I think mcmmo, kills, deaths, etc (maybe not money) should be reset to go with this scavenger plugin.
-also adding on to johnny's post. (10kills you get 1 perk, 25 kills you get upgrade of the perk, and you get kits at 50 kills) thats a good idea. but theres 1 problem.
theres not enough players on kraftzone. and the few that are on, some of them, maybe atleast half wont pvp.
lets talk about ranks:
theres not enough ranks in kraftzone. the few ranks we have are Member, member+, staff, support, helper etc. - the majority of ranks that we do have, dont offer much, or are very outdated, like them ranks be 2 years old mon. so maybe we can add ranks for pvping? and those ranks is what will get you perks/kits??
I think to go with the scavenger plugin, we need to bring back pvp. not only that, make it like an expansion
(take world of warcraft for example) - each new expansion (or patch update) brings something new and exciting. if you bring scavenger in, why not add a new arena, or pvp plugins?
(make a contest for who can create the best looking arena for pvp) - this can make players active maybe? and shit, it can go with the new future spawn! and there can be rewards too.
i am a virgin. i like pelicans and unicorns and sunshine and lollipops and candies and chocolate and eating and being fat and shit why are you reading this wtf
what about this instead; a new world.
this world will be pure 100% survival. you start with nothing, everything is reset, money, mcmmo, etc. you cant use kits and you cant use commands (except for /sethome and /town). - also no flying, flying is stupid in a survival world.
it will be a free for all (but you can still make towns and make allies), you need to start from the... start!
if you die, everything you have drops. also, bases can be raided meaning you cant claim it (unless its a town).
you cant use [Private] signs so you need to be smart about how you build your base, so you dont die.
there must also be a penalty if you die, like 1 death = you lose 500 cash (but then again, you do lose whats in your inventory so its just an idea)
(why should you reset everything when you enter this world?)
- you will have donators running around pulling out millions of dollars from their asses and buying the best armor, weapons, the best enchants, and then they will make a town, deposit a lot of money and claim everything. but what if you take all this away from them? they will be on the same pace as anyone else!
- it can serve as a fresh start.
- i cant think of any more reasons.
I think this idea is gold! it should be done. also the warp to this world should be /pvp or /survival - and this world will be for the hardcore! sort of.
i am a virgin. i like pelicans and unicorns and sunshine and lollipops and candies and chocolate and eating and being fat and shit why are you reading this wtf
i am a virgin. i like pelicans and unicorns and sunshine and lollipops and candies and chocolate and eating and being fat and shit why are you reading this wtf
Maybe when you get to x number of kills in the pvp world you can gain perks or pvp kits in the normal world? Just an idea. Perks that you normally don't get so. Or maybe they can get money in the normal world or in the pvp world we make a some sort of shop...
Shop with really high prices so players can be motivated since they need to kill players in order to earn money. Shop would only sell food, armor, enchants and potions.
Maybe you can get a rank in the normal world by killing X number of players in the pvp world. To congratulate you and not only you get a rank you get a special kit and X number of money.
PVP arenas could be built in order to do some kind of pvp competitions.
-Players can aid or betray players.
-Teams will be allowed.
-No mods nor Hacked clients should be allowed. Punishments will follow.
-Players could also trade items at their will.
in the normal worlds, it should follow this rule=
activate scavenger = lose everything if you die. no perks.
disable scavenger = if you die, you keep whats on your hotbar, and what armor you have equipped. you still lose whats in your inventory though. but no perks or kits. this should just be the default system for normal worlds.
as for the (maybe) future pvp world?
You can get perks in the PvP/survival world by killing an X amount of players. not something like 50 kills though. maybe 200 kills will unlock the first perk. (people can kill their friends and quickly build up kills so watch out for that)
it should be hardcore, no weaklings, no pussies*cough* pussycats. we already have ocelots.
you lose everything if you die, so its real competition.
as for the pvp arena, those should be like mob arena, except match the players with 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2. the maximum maybe 3 vs 3. (look at world of warcrafts arena system) and you can build up ranking or rating as you win each match, but if you lose a match you lose rating. and! you can achieve perks/kits/items by getting a higher rating.
but this type of system should only be in the pvp/survival world, because this rating would otherwise be pointless in the normal worlds.
also= pvp/survival also means griefing or raiding should be allowed. something of (factions)
i am a virgin. i like pelicans and unicorns and sunshine and lollipops and candies and chocolate and eating and being fat and shit why are you reading this wtf
Well fuck World of Warcraft..
Well this server once was a pvp server anyways... Maybe some of the players don't pvp and some just don't like pvp'ing. I'm just stating the facts here. Making a pvp world would be more fitting. The server has turned to a building server. Since not all players are willing to pvp for X number of reasons who knows why..
world of warcraft is a great game, with great concepts.
im looking at the concepts, because they can be good ideas for idk, pvp?
important note; if koolio says that adding item restore is what drove people away to a different server, maybe remove item restore? but then again, its maybe just better to change it.
and I think we all know what happened to the server. atleast from what I can think of, this server has turned to a server full of 10 year old casuals who complain about being griefed all the time.
so maybe a solution to this, ADD A NEW WORLD.
where griefing is allowed, where killing is allowed, where items drop on death, where its hardcore. give players something new to do.
i am a virgin. i like pelicans and unicorns and sunshine and lollipops and candies and chocolate and eating and being fat and shit why are you reading this wtf
Well I never said it was a bad game but in my opinion I never liked it...
Omg... That's actually a good idea!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
True of what Johnny said this server has become into a building game now lol
but what i hate most about this is that some is people complain they lost there stuff in pvp or someone stole it
then they spam us.
not a complain just a fact...about me
I'd say have commands to turn it off and on
Mess with the best, die with the rest
Yea, like a new World for hardcore or like iceAOS said
Like the new ones who play here but are new and doesnt really
read the forums will go mad and ask like all the time
where their things are and then they'll leave.
I Think in the Worlds we use now, scavenger is on for
everyone, and there is a Hardcore World like ./hardcore or something
like that.. cus otherwise it gets messy and people ask all the time
how to do and blah.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)