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New TNT map called 'Link' added in the /spawn | /sky_spawn world, built by Roncraft!
Will try get some minigame event setup for a weekend
Check it out with /tntrun join link

TNT Run |
/tr list - list the TNTRun arenas |
/tr list {arena} - list the arena configuration |
/tr join {arena} - join arena, needs tntrun.join permission (default) |
/tr join - open arena join menu, needs tntrun.joinmenu permission (default) |
/tr autojoin {pvp|nopvp} - join arena with most waiting players |
/tr party {option} - TNTRun party commands |
/tr leave - leave the current TNTRun arena |
/tr vote - vote for the TNTRun arena start |
/tr lobby - teleport to the TNTRun lobby |
/tr stats - displays your TNTRun record |
/tr leaderboard - displays the TNTRun leaderboard |
/tr listkit - list the TNTRun kits |
/tr listkit {kit} - list the kit configuration |
/tr start {arena} - force-start arena, needs tntrun.start permission |
/tr spectate {arena} - join as spectator, needs tntrun.spectate |
/tr listrewards {arena} - list arena rewards, needs tntrun.listrewards |
/tr info - information about this plugin |
/tr help - lists all the /tr commands |
/tr cmds - lists all the /trsetup commands |

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Official Trailer:
Posted : 09/03/2025 12:01 am