Last seen: Dec 19, 2019
lol the villager is Staring at Koolio
Did you know?the word 'testify' derived from a time when men were required to swear on their testicles.the word typewriter is the longest wo...
Did you know?the electric chair was invented by a dentist
Did you know?Albert Einstein never knew how to drive a car[move]Lol[/move]
Did you know?'Topolino' is the name for Mickey Mouse Italy
Did you Know?dark roasted coffee beans contain less caffeine than medium roasted ones (the longer a coffee is roasted the more caffeine is burns off)
i don't know i found that using Google 😛
Did you know?the safest car color is white
Did you know?the average human brain contains around 78% water
Did you know?Your foot has 26 bones in it.
Good Work ;D
What does the Snow theme look like ?
You should provide a reason why he should be demoted. im not voting until you do
Welcome back HappyToe
Levi why should Austin get demoted?
"you should stay on the server longer and you will surely get it."Sorry but that is a false and misleading statement, there is not the space...
I agree with Koolio you should stay on the server longer and you will surely get it.[move]Nice staff app Though[/move]