Last seen: Dec 19, 2019
I agree, giving out /repair,/erepair,/give and /enchant to -Staff's would be easier and less time consuming..
Lol, It looks amazing! good job with it 😀
Lol sly 😀
I have a question i logged on the server and then i was at /spawn then all my items are gone.
Never Mind i played on another server for a while and then i left it and i joined KZ and i didnt got the error anymore..
I can join on other servers except Kraftzone.. i also tried Updating my Minecraft..I still get the same error
I use Mineshafter to play minecraft
so your reffering to gamer10000 the racist?
lol kinda true 😛
Me and Koolio
You should change the site theme to snow theme every Christmas
lol 😀
everybody (by that i mean no one) knows im vary anal about my skins being taken >:O jk but if it's an exact copy....lol, i used to have the Re...