Last seen: Jun 25, 2014
Pepsi i think of you when i do things.... Nasty..things.. o.O
Most people hve a problem with your playtime. Just keep playin!
I line you santa... You seen bauws
The picture 😀 itb be a cool emblem
Haters Gon Hate is what i live for...and btw you should make your own lets play series :p
I've been trying my best but stupid trip ups have been happening
At least I admited to it instead of saying "no that's not true" id rather tell the truth then lie and get my ass fried
Damn do I need a fucking hobby in minecraft...fishing anyone?
There was no malicious intent behind this..Just because i was bored and people were moaning for you to get on and such and people saying" if kool...
im in the middle like icing on an oreo...im not sure..
^ That Some Serious Dedication..|
Staff Is OK At the moment but i do agree the more the marrier...Support is what is need most though :/
true If i do donate ill just do 1/2 25$ for both yall biatches 😀
Sly i must say this is a great idea. me and you dont agree on much but this is pretty cool. we can have say 5-10 teams of around 5-10 people on each a...
Well you said you wanted donations...
If i donate to KZ Koolio Say The Whole Package which is like 50 bucks or something Will you give 25% - 50% of it to blue for christmas?
I Only Like Chocolate Because Of My Chocolatey Skin...I might taste myself...Mmm