Last seen: Jan 17, 2020
Brandon I already told him :/ Zking it's a good start. I think you didn't get the idea of what a helper app is but you can blame myself for ...
We honestly need helper but you are fairly new and I think you should get to know the server a bit more :DI know you have amazing qualities and awesom...
From what kot said you kinda said she was a crybaby lol.. really i don't care if you see me or nah. Since I'm support I try my best to solve...
I didn't say she did the right think I'm just saying she should of done something else maybe a mute or talk to him at least... I'm with...
People people people GOSH you guys make me a headache. Don't start by telling me it's who's fucking fault because both of you have done...
Sebb and odel100 i don't know why you guys need to add more beef into this.. I don't know if you guys will do or say the same things again b...
See Johnny? This is what im talking aboutSeb may I ask you why you said all these mean comments. You are the one who said she's mean but I only s...
No it's because she thinks that what she did wasn't bad. That she knew the whole story entirely, thats her excuse to let us know that seb an...
But even tho you knew the whole story you should of told us it it be more easier to guess why you had done those actions...If you got mad about this y...
We react because you shouldn't have done those actions :/
I'm sorry to hear this Kot but i don't understand what are you talking about? About why you need to post this kind of stuff? SirMrManSheep d...
Everything could be easily avoided.But past events made this impossible.Which brings us to a conclusion, killing and trolling isn't the best solu...
but no rule for caps on forums :DD so spamm caps away wooshh 😮
Well sorry to hear that but lots have changed 😀 WitchHaven has fallen and then mayor of WH is no longer ryanmt99.. You may want to configure it...
dafuq quote SirmrManSheepsecond screenshot..that aint true dafuq.. Sorry if you really thought that way Sheep but I dont hate you honestly you're...
actually it is
The whole point of this post is because a lot of players don't know that their is 5 voting links. Yes, when you do /vote it does show you clickab...
Not gonna include nick for 1st place?