Last seen: Jan 17, 2020
You could say that, in fact it's a launcher where it's similar to the premium launcher. You can download any versions including snapshots an...
Ok, sorry about what I said earlier. I wasn't curious about the gender but the post that your brother did. I'm sorry that had to ask you abo...
Go on the forums, then click on Server Links or hover on it, then click Kraftzone McLauncher. From there you'll see the Portable version and also...
yes, I think you're doing good for the helping part..and if you have the time could you vote and work more on your playtime. Thank you!
Simple or to exagerated is not good... I think you've already lost a lot of hope to become a helper if you continue on this path. I don't kn...
Ok just to point this out... Staff and WorldEdit is a big nono even tho it says on the post How/Why to post a Staff application. WE is only for Suppor...
Btw, we have the gun plugin that's one and only donors could get one from Koolio or Thecrafters144 by asking.. They are responsible for their gun...
It's not the app it's how the player reacts in-game and then we'll choose the perfect player that could handle this rank... It has neve...
Wrong username... sorry but I'm just asking for mcservers I have everything correct it's just on the server it doesn't show Th3Chinese ...
No my name is correctly spelled but it might be doing the same thing as Mclist :/ But I just wanted to know if anyone else is having this issue?
lol dafuq is that... green shroom
hey mate, hell ye we had loads of fun playing with you. Tbh you were alot of fun when we were skyping all together with sea, alythh and woombo. I stil...
You should of said Why you needed a Staff/Admin on that time...So we wouldn't waste like 10mins asking what happened and everything. There is no ...
Well I could probably just give you my alt acc which is premium and have a skin so I will tell you the link link to my skin:
I dunno but can't seem to find button or anything to indicate me to edit this post so umh yh just gonna edit it like thisJohnny: 4:30pm to 10:00p...
I feel stupid but how do I edit this :/
his brother*
Imagine Koolio wins LOL