Just now I stopped the server. All passwords had been reset, so anyone could log in as anyone. Not sure what has caused it. Have a backup somewhere?
Yes, got a problem going on with the host.. they haven't answered my support ticket for 2days now
The problem is that some other idiot on the same machine is chewing up tons of space which on a ssd drive is a problem, probably a crashed server and bukkits retarded design is spamming the console log with some repetitive error message, and so that file is growing by the second. And no one has stopped it yet
I'm running out of stuff I can remove off my server just to free up space to last a bit longer.
no file space with bukkit means a bunch of config/ files get zero byted.. including the auth database.
"Have a backup somewhere"
yes, only about 1day out of date.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
yeh not really the same, bukkit server need a fast hdd drive when you get over 15players, laptop drives are either 5200rpm (way to slow) 7200rpm (more common nowaday, not to bad) but ideally a good ssd driver or 2x7200rpm drives in raid.
Then there is the memory, you are using a windows os, which alone takes up a good 1.5gb +/- memory, and the fact its your laptop means that it couldn't just be soley used to run a server because I'm sure you would want to use it for other stuff which poses a problem for server stability and performance, the other thing is that its not just a server you would need to run, ftp server, and a proper adminpanel for the server, because there ain't no way I let someone else manage my server. Then there is the issue of home internet connections, most likely you are using that laptop over wireless which is just another terrible idea for running a server over.
and lastly i'd need to go find decent web hosting again because otherwise it means setting up apache,php, and mysql on your laptop aswel, I forgot to mention this server does ideally require 2 mysql db's.
So while I really like the current host, can't beat them on price anywhere, I am looking at going fully dedicated hardware and setting up and running the whole thing myself. Just two problems, I need to learn linux and I don't really want to be paying the much higher fees. When you chuck out the idea of players donating and you boil it right down to what you alone would pay to run a server without expecting to get donations because they do dry up and its just you paying for it and running things, then the idea of paying proper dedicated server prices just to run a mc server starts fizzle. So I'm thinking of coming up with some sharing of the server approach. Am looking at 4 cpucore server with 8/16gb ram, 16gb being enough to run 3 minecraft servers equal to kraftzone and a webserver, just need to find anyone interested in sharing the bill.
Anyway for now will just continue with current host and try find a way to avoid these issues, just really gets to me because it looks like I can't run the server properly when its usually caused by issues out of my control.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Well if you ever are in need of a host.. i'll offer my laptop for use.