Guess who's back, back again
Shady's back, tell a friend
Guess who's back,
guess who's back,
guess who's back,
guess who's back
guess who's back
Guess who's back...
No but seriously i have returned. In spite of recent events (kott should know) I have lost a purpose to fill another's needs. In other words me and my gf bbroke up for good. Sucks ass because I loved her. Difficult times for a teenager. I'm having a midlife crisis. Anyway I'm back boches. Prepare the red carpet. -toots horn- -blows wistle-
I missed you all11
I cant really build anything.
SHAWN IS BACK BITCHES [sorry for the cursing heh] now we can talk about things in mc not just on kik wiiihihihihi
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ill talk to you. I need to talk to you. Now.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Welcome back Pepsi...
...And I do not approve of this post going on the frontpage!!!
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I figured it was a pretty big and badass announcement. Ily2 tho koolio
I cant really build anything.
Let me explain it...
You don't write your own welcome back announcement.
You don't call people who might give a shit about your return.. 'boches'
I figured it was a pretty big and badass announcement
You figured it wrong then.
Ily2 tho koolio
I'd might have believed that if you had the respect to not treat kraftzone's frontpage like some sort ego tripping teenage blog post, just because you still had staff permissions to post on it.
Don't make me demote you for stupid remarks, before you've even got on the server again.
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