What's the general take on OP items, or items with enchantments that shouldn't belong to a certain item?
Also, i'm hoping everyone is aware of the sad, but incredibly true facts that most of our donators are mostly interested in pvping with creative and /god rather than other agendas like GOOD building.
Along with being pvp oriented, most tend to suck at pvp, so end up enchanting their tools with every single enchantment at EnchantShop and pvp against players..and lose, so now regular players, who are equally pvp oriented have these insane god items, BUT are actually good at pvp and just terrorize noobs and other players.
I'm not really asking for anything to be done about this (any suggestions and feedback would be nice) but, I dunno its just always bugged me, and the OP items are a problem from time to time, but still, and regular players can get these items as well if they're loaded at the EnchantShop.
Final random idea- Maybe have donators be at least member to receive access to creative, b/c a /vtotal shows some donators have around 0 votes, as well as a trial period if there already isnt one
No players should have it, if someone give a guy OP items, warn the guy who received then that it is not allowed and warn the guy who gave it that if it happens again that koolio will make sure it wont happen again, that is what i would do, koolio anything to add? 😀
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Well what would you suggest, I haven't taken a look at what can be done about this enchanting problem.. maybe there is plugin to limit number of enchants on items and the enchant levels.
Problem is I don't know what is now legit and what is just the result of plugins on the server that have bypassed the original limits, that donators have been easily able to do.
But if I'm moving servers later this month then I might just get this whole donator, enchant problem locked down so it doesn't become a problem again with things getting out of balance. Which isn't really fun or fair overall.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
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