1. I want to report Eveghon! I have Sponges in my house and he can still destroy it. Today he was Spawn front of my house when i build my new house he kill me. I have my house on air,so it's no way to come upphere.. He probbaly hacking cause he can't spawn front of my door! I lost my Full Enchanted Armor and Sword! When i want to tell donators they don't care- they weren't listening to me.
2. 1 hour later, me and my friend Luka were digging we suddently feel out of the world,We lost 2x 64 Iron, 3x 64 Coal, 40 Redstone, 6x 64 Cobblestone..! I think that it was someone of the Donators cause he destroyed Bedrock, He was Invisible so i can't see him. When i look down what is it he punch me down! I think that some Donators doesn't deserve to be Donators cause they kill people who have fun!
Please Koolio or Someone do something about that! Have a Nice Day.
First of all, you can't "earn" donator, you can only pay it. Second, once I tried to help you, but you were just screaming like a little girl. You said someone griefed, I asked where and you don't answer. Maybe try to let people help you? And don't ask donators to help you, because most of them wont help you. They would rather fill a chest with diamond blocks for the moment they will be demoted. (No offence for the good donators)
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
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Are you saying the sponge protection you had was removed? As only staff can remove other players sponge area protection, so I just want to know if that is the case or not?
Evenhogn and Thecrafters (staff) know each other, so what you are implying is that someone is abusing their rank. I do take that seriously, but not all donators and/or staff are like this. When you are on the server let me know and I will look into who was doing this.
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I would've helped, but i wasn't online :p
Thanks, RedArrow,Headgehog are good Donators.. Just i hate that when i have Diamond armor and i building something someone come and Kill me.. That is just not cool 😀
Have a Nice Day!
I know you hate that, everyone hates that 😛 And I have to say sometimes your english is pretty weak... But at least you speak english, that is enough for me 😛
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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