Hey guys we need your help.
We need to know what your opinions are on the following topics and ideas.
1)Removing cracked ability (We can see skins and there are less trolls and we don't need the /login command we also cant get cracked players on the server)
2)Make a all new world where everyone gets the ability to use creative mode (this will also allow us to change ranks and add building related perks to the server
"change ranks and add building related perks to the server" - By this i mean making a certain number of builds and they will be judged if we believe you deserve a rank up you will get it there will be a post listing the perms you get with the rank up
theres 2 options to this 1 idea though.
Freeze the worlds and just allow the new creative building world to be used or
Freeze every world but world18 (/world18) and allow people to play survival/towny on there and the other world would be the creative one
If the want the server to stay the same i added the ability to check that in the poll but you also need to pick on cracked or not
If you have another idea or opinion please feel free to add it into the comments section we need your help!
Leave it the way it is and just add a world that people could pick to build make survival KZ's main thing...
Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious.
No cracked may cause a problem for getting new people into the server. that's my only real concern about it. other than that, it does seem like a good idea.
i think not allowing cracked players on this server is a good idea and will benefit the players in a good way. for one, it will allow less troll to disrupt the players in the server and allow players to play freely without having to worry about spammers or griefers . Also, having a creative server and a survival/towny server will rise the servers chance of getting new players and allowing them to chose which mode they want to use. Players dont just want to play/build in survival, some players like to play/build in creative because its much easier to go around and it will maximize what blocks they can use to build there building or games. other players like to challenge them self and survive to the fitness.
What is removing cracked players have to do with spam and greifers? The only thing that cracked logins causes is a gateway for people to comeback with a new name, however the solution to that is either lock ips to usernames as players become dedicated or only allow one name per ip address. However that is up to the community and its new staff, good luck guys, its really great to see kraftzone relived once again. I'm proud to see such potential in this new generation.
I cant really build anything.
I think that we should keep everything how it was before, just to make that only premiums can play.
Cracked players because I am cracked 😀
kcherry.... has to be you to bring back closed posts already.
Yeh well, only kcherry could make a post like "Why are poeple posting app the server is over right???"
clearly knowing the answer then 10mins later post a new helper application himself 😀
yknow just incase I guess.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
"Yaknow just incase I guess" lmfaooo just incase his assumption was incorrect 😀
I cant really build anything.
hey guys off topic i really feel like making a snapchat ive downloaded it b4 but couldnt use it to complicated, so i uninstalled, maybe someone could make me a tutorial ? lol
did you uninstall your brain too?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
u can do that?
will it work better? is it like the same stuff when you delete system32 folder on ur computer?
it might cause some problems
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Whats the server ip??