Hello guys, tonight there has been a stream of spammers all coming form the same IP, so I suspect. Also trolls joining the server. Barricade127 im a bit suspect full about. He or someone keeps threatening the server and keeps being a idiot by accessing random accounts and spamming. also he I think he is slipping up and doing his spam thing though his account. as you see int he picture. I temp banned all the accounts for 10d, just because I know they are spamming accounts. Also is just checked and it was really barricade, I wrote this whole thing over a time period. Ill post pictures. at first I gave warnings, but I got tired of it, and started ban hammering them. because it was constantly the same thing anyways here is the pictures. and also he kept threatening with a virus, he probably is just a duchebag. but here it is guys.
Koolio realy needs to IP BAN dilly and ban him from the fourms
All this points to Dilly he hates the server so much for just a small donation
Mess with the best, die with the rest
Probably iceAOS will recheck his ban again (seemed like it had expired and he had nothing good to say, so its permanent now)
Pretty sad to do that, they should be careful with who they mess with though, ip addresses can be traced back to real home/ip addresses. We live in an age where freedoms, rights and tolerance towards others is at an all time low.
Anyway you seem to get them coming on the server when you are online the most. I suggest just muting and jailing these cretins instead, leave the temporary bans for just those who need a short timeout but might still be welcome back to the server. Those jailed can be dealt with later on.
Also in future just post these type of screenshots in the staff forum, with list the names of those who are actually causing trouble, sometimes from screenshots innocent players can get caught saying stuff and go down with the group bans when they need not be. I don't really want to have to check chat history on everyone in a screenshot just to be sure I don't get someone who just said something without knowing the full context.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Ok, I dident even realize there was a staff page <-< >->. Will do in the future.
My ban or Dilly's ban?
Mess with the best, die with the rest
alot can happen, in 5 days.....