This is just about how I', getting f*cked with by the server players lately, as such: Shawnotise, slyguy47, MaRkO_crafter, ArrowHead, just some of the people who think they're tough and all that, getting pritty pissed over here, just youknow, mabye get into a conversation "(so and so) has joined" * Massive Argument brews up* bull shizle. I just wana ask something is done about these players that just ruin the server, and i think some people might agree with me.
Skype: masktails
some players need to learn to shutup and play the game XD
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
I dont even know what you mean....
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
I know I'm getting frustrated myself.
All of the people insulting eachother, i mean why insult, you gain nothing in return, all you get is a fight then an argument then death. Nothing good comes from bickering.
As I tell bullies
"As your making fun of me I'm getting stronger, your getting weaker and it will all end with me walking away, finished what you started stronger than you can every imagine, so for the future... thank you"
I cant really build anything.
When ppl try to scam, get me 😀 Ill smack them mercilessly 😀 itll be fun
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
Lets start a huge fight over a Game, yea....
Ok mask u can contuine to be mad at me but look I got u back on this server my plan was to totally miniulate u and to make u come back because I didn't want you to leave because we shared some awsome times so can u forgive me for my awsome plan? I'm sorry
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
Mask I will sing u a song on skype or dubstep beatbox just pwweeese forgive me
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
Shawn, i came back for a few days just to look at my town at stuff as well as just see all the people who spend their free time to play on the server, to see them, but your just all lies, your trying to get attention 24/7 by arguing in my view, thinking too big of yourself. i cant forgive you for anything. i'm actually happy your banned, so when i come back in about 4 months i don't come back asking why the server is looking the worst that it has been. the best for you i guess.
Skype: masktails
but your just all lies, your trying to get attention 24/7 by arguing in my view, thinking too big of yourself.
I think that's an understatement for Shawno, anyway won't be seeing him around here anytime soon. The amount of crap he posted in game on the forums yesterday, well he's got some serious issues to deal with.
As for those other players you mentioned I'll be keeping a close watch on them.
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Right, see you in 3 months then Koolio.
Skype: masktails
Lol Ok Look...I wont stoop to your level and start cussing and crap so..Mask i got you back on this server. I doubt u will be on in 4 months lol because ull be on it like every weel.. and when u dont get on i never said one word to yea Im glad i got banned too because now i can Live on with my *LIFE* which many of you people dont have..not to name names but...(koolio,masktails,killfav etc.) So Toodles Bitches
-Your Best Friend Shawn
I Wouldve Never Quit...But Koolio Banned Me
"Im glad i got banned too because now i can Live on with my *LIFE* which many of you people dont have..not to name names but...(koolio,masktails,killfav etc.) So Toodles Bitches"
Suck it up Shawno, your *LIFE* seems to consist of being a whiny bitch and looking for sympathy!
"I wont stoop to your level and start cussing and crap so"
No of course not ???
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Ok first of all, I think it's extremly hillarious that his quote says "Your bst friend, Shawn"
And second of all it's also hillarious that he would make fun of the overloard, owner of the kraftzone realm... Koolio.
And third of all, I dont see how anyone could hate masktails. Shes nice, careing, *cough... Good Looks ...cough* cough*
I cant really build anything.
Pepsi 1. Im the kind or person that fucks with everyone 2. what happened with me and mask is beyond the barrier of making sence and 3.i dont hate her she hates me i have no clue why
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
and koolio im not bashing you in any way except my signiture and thats the truth im not going around saying "koolio eats dick" i love how im the one disrespecting but its ok for you to bash
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
One question Shawn, I thought you quit minecraft for your "social life" so why are you still hanging around the forums?
I cant really build anything.
Well i was bored tonigth when i came home i thought i would see how many haters i got...Still rising Huh?
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
Lol are you always on the forum?
I posted something and you replied 3 minutes later!
I cant really build anything.
its and i dont feel like there i posted a comment 3 minutes and 1 second later happy now?
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"