I accidently deleted Kz launcher where can I get it again?
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Link is dead
Old time player, back here just for a friend.
I mean the link wasn't dead back when I posted 😀
Anyway as the redirection stuff needs fixing I've put the last updated version here..
https://kraftzone.net/MinecraftLauncher_v1.42.zip …working link, though the launcher might not work as good as it did years ago …it might be a little broken in some places, as I abandoned it years ago sadly and haven’t kept up with mojangs server changes. A complete rewrite would be better, though I think other mc launchers might be worth looking at anyway now.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1