Miss you guys a lot.I've only had my tablet and I've been playing a pool app..it sucks a whole lot of dick.
Wht kind of laptop
im so happy for ya woombo Hope u come back as soon tht u have ur pc 😀 we have built some many things
If you are wondering why his laptop stopped working well long story short...
He was watching p0rn and well... I found out and i threw it at him but because hes a ninja he did some cool shit for it to miss him and it hi the wall and the hard drive broke :'(
so i guess im trying to say we have relationship problems just like any other couple but this was clearly one of our bigger fights..
dw we all good now <33 <33 LMfaoo jkjk only like 4 people will understand that this is a joke
interesting story... and then relationships srsly sea
See ya soon then woombo
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🙁 I'll be on asap. These kindle apps can suck balls...unless it's sas zombie assault 3
Ye nice to hear you're not gone : ) cya