hi! kk so my questions are: did the server ip chage?? when ever i try to log in it says unknown ip! also will i still have my donator rank?
thx for takeing ur time to help me!
Cracked ip:
Legit ip: mc.kraftzone.net
Hi meagan welcome back, and yes youll have you rank still
I cant really build anything.
try these ip's
About your donater rank, i don't know, you have to ask Kooglio, about that.
yeh donator ranks always stay same ( if its not let me know and I'll fix it)
and the server ip's have already been at kraftzone.tk/net at the top of the page.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1