So i felt a disturbance in the kz force so i got on, and i see dilly spamming chat. Sly tells me hes been doing it for 10 mins and you were afk, dilly uses /me and continues spamming. I temp banned him for 3d. Sly then tells me that he has friends that came on spamming aswell. His friend came on and spammed. Sly gave me a list of the others (Third screenshot)
Later johnny tells me he greifed. Screens down below.
Creepers post of what happend while i wasnt on.
I cant really build anything.
Check my post, for more screens.
Dilly2k if you are reading this, never bring illiterate script kiddy nodus nublets to a server you have donator rank in, I take it as personal request that you wanted perma banning while your griefing was removed in less time than it took you to make it.
I don't expect to see any ban appeal from you for the foreseeable future, it will be denied anyway because doing this is just plain stupid.
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nublets? lol
I take it as personal request that you wanted perma banning while your griefing was removed in less time than it took you to make it.
It took me like 5 minutes to make the grief or less.
These reason I fucking thought this server was trash was because of the pathetic creative rules on here. I did not donate $25 for that pathetic shit.
Also most players on here can be total fucking douche bags at times (Not naming, you can figure it out yourself).
Also I hope you had cleaning up the black penis on the side of the lava monster. Mr. Hitler probably had fun jacking off while crafters cleaned it up for him.
What part of the creative rules, did you not like?
Koolio made those rules so it could be fair. Thos who pay Get perks, not others.
We can insult each other all day and say whatever, but in the end Koolio got $25 and the server's already forgotten about you Dilly. Enjoy whatever server you now play on.
Also most players on here can be total fucking douche bags at times (Not naming, you can figure it out yourself).
You should really take a look at your behavior I think you will find yourself to be the big douche.
These reason I fucking thought this server was trash was because of the pathetic creative rules on here. I did not donate $25 for that pathetic shit.
Having certain restrictions on creative mode access while in the survival map, is just one of then necessary things to do in order to keep certain players who feel its ok to just trash a server map/economy and or go on diamond drop parties etc. Can't live with those reasonable restrictions? go donate to some other server and see what you get, your donation already went to hosting fees here ages ago and none of those restrctions stopped you having fun greifing.
For that reason you banned and sad to see you turned out this way but you are also going to be banned off the forums.
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