Well, me and everyone else want to be staff, and I highly doubt you'll look at mine compared to anyone else, but I'm gonna do it anyway.
My in-game name is thecyberhedgehog, you may know me, you may not.
What I bring along: Humor, Past/to be current experience with running a server, humor (I know i put it 2x), leadership, helpfulness, and for being around this community for some time (brought here by IcyNeko, give him a high five :D)
What I can do to help: I admired ArrowHead (Sadly he is no longer staff) and that he goes out of his way to help someone by going into creative mode to help them (with building for the town only). I will do that same service to. I am loyal, only to betray if something HORRIBLE, I MEAN, SO HORRIBLE (not server wise, just owner wise, which i doubt you'll do anything koolio) that I feel betrayed myself. If an admin/ helper/ etc cant work on something, I'll be there to help, I'll be your go to guy :). I have ran a server, and will be running one again soon. So, I bring experience along.
Age: 14
Hours available: (weekdays) 6-8am 5:30-8:00pm (weekends) 6-10am 12-3pm 4-6 pm 7- 8pm
Total Playtime (A good amount, 260:53:54)
I am very respectful and polite, and I don't rant on what people say.
I wont abuse my rights, and will only give items (food, building items) in town, I won't give weapons potions etc.
When staff need help, are helping someone else, helping out or when they're busy i will be there for them to rely on and give all of my help .
Even when I am working on something, it doesn't matter what, I will answer a question, by going to chat, or going to help someone build, doesn't matter the project, the people, I will be there to help the player.
When someone asks a question, I will tell them what I know, I won't lie and make it sound like it is the truth, and if I don't know (because no one knows everything :P) I'll say, I don't know, sorry, maybe ask (insert name here)
I have a high confidence, and I won't break any existing rules, and will only do best for the server/player.
This is all my telling, if you don't think this is enough, I'm ok with it, just, consider this.
If you didn't like this, explain why.
Timezone: EastCoast
Current Rank: Donator
Donation Amount: 45$
Votes: 94
I am loyal, only to betray if something HORRIBLE, I MEAN, SO HORRIBLE (not server wise, just owner wise, which i doubt you'll do anything koolio) that I feel betrayed myself.
This right here basically just killed your chances entirely, I read up to this and saw this app would kill your chances entirely, if you ever have a problem with Koolio, you don't take it out on the server, you talk to Koolio, b/c if you try to just be impulsive on it, bad things happen, most likely demotion, or if its just really bad, banning.
Also, add in your votes, b/c staff are expected to vote regularly, Koolio's warned all the staff about voting often
I like jp123loz he gets it, and points out a very good point. Many things have happened on this server where I have done something and a someone has reacted instead of trying to find out the reason of why. I don't do something without a good reason for it.
And you cannot have loyalty and then in the same sentence mention that betraying is a totally ok option for you if such and such happens. It totally cancels out what loyalty means to you in the first place, and that is understanding and not being so quick to judge.
"Also, add in your votes, b/c staff are expected to vote regularly, Koolio's warned all the staff about voting often"
Another good point, yes I am expecting staff to vote for the server they have powers on. As the voting script shows when someone last voted for the server, its not the only thing that matters I know, but it sure does provide a good indicator on if someone cares to vote for your server.
Because there is no magic number where you reach a certain amount of votes and then you just stop bothering. I know all to well how annoying voting is and hassle of doing it, but the point is that it does help the server get noticed by other players who might like its setup. And if you are staff then going 4+ weeks without voting for a server you've been promoted on as staff. Well its just disappointing to me and there isn't a lot of excuses for it plus it just shows other players on the server that if the staff can't be bothered to vote then why would they. I've talking about the whole server ranking system before and all server owners have to resort to this lame bribing of players to get them to vote like flying. The other thing is it doesn't give other players a chance to have the staff rank, if I'm keeping staff who aren't active and don't bother voting.
One more thing, I don't tend to take on donators for staff as much now, a few reasons for it, the biggest is that donators have already contributed to the server life (aka hosting fees) and have a lot of perks that staff would get anyway.
By having staff who aren't donators as such, well its easier for me to expect them to be contributing and helping out more than someone who is also a donator. Because being staff isn't just fun time with extra powers on the server, you have a responsibility to be helping even when you don't always feel like it. That doesn't mean to say that donators don't get staff positions at times, or that by not donating and being at Kraftzone longer you are more entitled to a staff position.
Anyway I don't have time to explain everything, because it is a multitude of factors though one of those factor is if you can build well, because these days I just don't have time or creative energy for it. If you are interested in being staff on a server then stick around and do whatever it is you do best, just don't expect anything. And the above is not all reasons why you aren't staff cyber, just a good talking point for anyone who cares to bother reading.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
I am age of 21
I am very mature unless i get bored and i want to troll I stopped doing that,
I donated 45-75 Dollars, I do NOT grief,
I have 2 accounts Jack991 {Camsterkid}
And Camsterkid {Jack991} < 😛
I do sometimes Not come on but Barely,
Free hours is mostly... Well, About 8:00Am Through 12:00 Am Midnight,
I do help out people I repair, i LOAN money, I make sure they pay back,
Sometimes they dont but i make sure they do in the future,
I also think i deserve a -staff Because i am loyal, and i would Help out players more often Ect.
I Am currently in college ,
A very good college i might add,
I am 22 As i said earlier My birthday is May 23.
I will hopefully Help ALL who asks, i will also Donate more money,
Because the server should stay up or players.
And i guess well Maybe thats all...
[Koolio if you need anymore INFO tell me, ~Sincerely Camsterkid
|ErkidCamsterkidCamsterkidCamsterkidCamsterkid |
LOL i didn't notice we have to make it our own XD Oops
|ErkidCamsterkidCamsterkidCamsterkidCamsterkid |
I am loyal, only to betray if something HORRIBLE, I MEAN, SO HORRIBLE (not server wise, just owner wise, which i doubt you'll do anything koolio) that I feel betrayed myself.
This right here basically just killed your chances entirely, I read up to this and saw this app would kill your chances entirely, if you ever have a problem with Koolio, you don't take it out on the server, you talk to Koolio, b/c if you try to just be impulsive on it, bad things happen, most likely demotion, or if its just really bad, banning.
lol.... I mean, i never said i was gonna take it out on the server....
votes added
I am age of 21
I am very mature unless i get bored and i want to troll I stopped doing that,
I donated 45-75 Dollars, I do NOT grief,
I have 2 accounts Jack991 {Camsterkid}
And Camsterkid {Jack991} < 😛
I do sometimes Not come on but Barely,
Free hours is mostly... Well, About 8:00Am Through 12:00 Am Midnight,
I do help out people I repair, i LOAN money, I make sure they pay back,
Sometimes they dont but i make sure they do in the future,
I also think i deserve a -staff Because i am loyal, and i would Help out players more often Ect.
I Am currently in college ,
A very good college i might add,
I am 22 As i said earlier My birthday is May 23.
I will hopefully Help ALL who asks, i will also Donate more money,
Because the server should stay up or players.
And i guess well Maybe thats all...
[Koolio if you need anymore INFO tell me, ~Sincerely Camsterkid
Also, this is my application, not yours 😛
LOL i noticed xD
|ErkidCamsterkidCamsterkidCamsterkidCamsterkid |
I am loyal, only am to betray if something HORRIBLE, I MEAN, SO HORRIBLE (not server wise, just owner wise, which i doubt you'll do anything koolio) that I feel betrayed myself.
That just killed your chances of being staff buddy. Good luck getting staff now.
I do NOT grief,
Hmmmm im not sure about that?
I'll be back soon.
Now I lost interest in being staff. And John, it was that 1 time when it was already griefed almost completely. 1 time jeez :P. Im not so interested in staff :P. If i got it, i'd be happy, but really, I dont care much anymore about it.