IGN (In game name):pikec1
Current Rank: default
Grade level/ degree(s): 10th grade
Current Country: United States of America
Internet-connection(MBPS) (Found at speediest.net): 25MBPS
How long are you on the server daily?:4-6 Hours
What will you do if a staff member is abusing?: Tell them to stop there illegal activity/activities and give them a warning. If still not complying,ban if possible, or notify a higher more responsible staff.
How will you handle a demotion?: I wouldn't mind it at all, being on this server for a while now it's fun just being a member and playing legitimately.
Do you play any other servers?: Occasionally I play on pvp.oc.tc pvp games server. Meaning it's a server that plays different pvp based games every 15 or so minutes. Only on it though when the server is down.
What do you do if you see a donor dropping/abusing?: Usually I would just start off with a warning or kick,but if still not complying to my words, I would take further action and ban the abusing donor.
What do you do if you see a member asking for help?: If not busy helping another member, report to them immediately, and fix any issues they might have in the lines of being griefed, raided, gettting hacked/getting killed by hacker, etc.
What is the correct ban formatting?: / [ban][name)[reason] +CO [myname][Appeal @ www.kraftzone.tk]
Will you listen to all upper ranks?: Of course, I shall obey any upper rank and help them in anyway possible unless of course there abusing there powers and not complying with the rules themselves.
Will you be active on the website?: I'm sure you already know I'm always active on the website,checking out what's new and reading most if not all the new threads people post.
Will you check ban appeals daily?: Yes, I checked them occasionally too although not of a rank to determine if there ban appeal is good enough or not.
Will you disrespect anyone?: I find being disrespectful immature and childish. It shall not be tolerated by me unless of course being disrespected by someone else, if not able to /mute will be disrespectful back.
Will you abuse your powers in anyway?: In no way will I abuse my powers, being a staff member means you must be responsible and not abuse any commands you have over another person.
Have you ever been a mod or higher in other servers?: I've been Admin and moderators on plenty of servers before, promoting me to this rank will benefit you extremely as I would take it very seriously.
How would you handle spambots?: /kick them if continues to spam /ban, hopefully they've fix anti-spam since a vast majority of people were having trouble with it.
What is the proper way to rollback a member 2 days?: /CO ROLLBACK U:<PLAYER> R:<RADIUS AROUND AREA> T: 2 days
Do you know the basic commands well enough to teach others?: I have plenty of experience with the basic commands including commands from several plugins the server has running. I would gladly help anyone who is in need of command assistance.
Will you give your password away for money?: Of course not, that would be foolish and I am not an embecile
If you see someone advertising their server what do you do?: Tell the advertising member to stop or action will be taking immediately. Meaning /ban because that would not be tolerated especially considering the amount of effort owner puts into the server, then seeing other people advertise theres. Just plain wrong.
If the server is being hacked what do you do?: Notify owner immediately to take further action using skype or any form of way to contact him.
Why do you want to be a admin?: I want to help others out and make this server better for new comers. Making it more friendly and less abusive than it has become.
First, your only registered, so that really lowers your chances, second, you wouldn't have any power to stop a staff member from doing something, you should probably tell support/koolio. Also, you said you were active on the website, how many posts do you have? 2, that isn't really 'active' in my opinion. If you are disrespected by someone else, don't be disrespectful back, as you said, it was immature and childish (which you still are), so just mute them for 1min or so. You play on another server, so you may not put enough time into this one. For a spambot, no reason to kick them, /mute should do the trick. What is your totalplaytime as well, that can make a big difference. You spelled imbecile wrong :P. I want to help others out and make this server better for new comers, everyone says that buddy, all new staff people say that to get someone in your favor.
From what I know, koolio doesn't really care about the application you put up, but how you actually play in the game.
Other then that, all good
Cyber is actually right about the application part, the only -Staff that was ever chosen b/c of their application was me, and it was video that showed off my In-Game accomplishments. -Staff is mainly chosen by Koolio b/c he's seen your In-game accomplishments
jp's Ruling
1) We're not looking for staff atm
2) Being a Registered wont help you get staff, vote and play more to get higher ranks and recognition
3) Staff commands are different, we dont have /ban /mute, etc
4) Only ~Support can rollback, b/c rollback is done with WE
5) Banning is a definite last resort, the only people who have ever banned others is mainly Koolio and support
6) Play the server b/c you enjoy it, don't play the server and just make -Staff your goal
Whos pikec1? I've never heard of him.
jp's Ruling
-------------3) Staff commands are different, we dont have /ban /mute, etc
4) Only ~Support can rollback, b/c rollback is done with WE
you dont have /ban but you have mute, and rollback is not done by WE, it is done by LB but it is so powerful and so easy to royally screw up a rollback, and you have been banned may times before, as i recall you logged on as mine, central, and miver's account, your lucky you got unbanned for that, my answer is a definite no.
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Pikec1 why would you put this application in if lastnight me, Jesison2, ambush23, and even Koolio made it completely clear that you were not getting staff. and even after almost 200 hours i dont even have mem+ so what makes you think you have the right to apply. You dont even have 10 votes for the server either. Next time think before you try to get -Staff because its not just an easy little thing otherwise every player would have -Staff. Dont think im rude or anything for saying this because any -Staff would agree with what i am trying to say.
"Rippin' lips and packin' dips" ~Any true redneck can relate
Pikec1 why would you put this application in if lastnight me, Jesison2, ambush23, and even Koolio made it completely clear that you were not getting staff. and even after almost 200 hours i dont even have mem+ so what makes you think you have the right to apply. You dont even have 10 votes for the server either. Next time think before you try to get -Staff because its not just an easy little thing otherwise every player would have -Staff.
First of all, you have no ruling over if he gets staff or not, Jess and koolio would make that decision, not ambush or you. Second of all, why are you talking about mem+, this is a -staff application, not a mem+ application.
i didnt know jess had higher priority over me >:O
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
*cries with Bluedudex2 that Jess has higher priority than us*
Always ready to help, always ready to play, always ready to put you away!
Someday, I'll be Hokage, believe it!
ps Don't you love how lol sums it up? Short, sweet, and straight to the broadly defined point Truly a comment for all situations
1) We're not looking for staff atm
I've heard that one before, did that stop anyone else from taking my chances at being staff because you said that? No it didn't.
I cant really build anything.
no need to get feisty, we are not looking for staff, that doesnt mean koolio is not considering someone for a later time, or koolio might think someone is ready and add someone as staff, honestly hadi, he didnt really make a app, he just used the shout box and asked if he can be staff, we just know that we are not looking for staff but we also dont know what koolio is thinking/considering, it's usually unexpected because we are not looking for staff and maybe a few months later koolio picks someone.
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Cyber is actually right about the application part, the only -Staff that was ever chosen b/c of their application was me, and it was video that showed off my In-Game accomplishments. -Staff is mainly chosen by Koolio b/c he's seen your In-game accomplishments
jp's Ruling
1) We're not looking for staff atm
2) Being a Registered wont help you get staff, vote and play more to get higher ranks and recognition
3) Staff commands are different, we dont have /ban /mute, etc
4) Only ~Support can rollback, b/c rollback is done with WE
5) Banning is a definite last resort, the only people who have ever banned others is mainly Koolio and support
6) Play the server b/c you enjoy it, don't play the server and just make -Staff your goal
Wait wait wait, hold up... I'm right?
@bluedudex2 so why do all of the staff and koolio always tell us to make an app rather than just go up and ask?
I cant really build anything.
&pepsi So Koolio doesn't get spammed in msgs or main chat "I WANT STAFF"
@pepsi what jp said but a app is like a "archive" once you make the app it is there for us to see (unless deleted) but if you dont get staff when you make the app we still have it to review for a later time and you can edit it as time goes which is way better then randomly asking.
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
You know what?
Thank you... for explaining this... this... topic.
I cant really build anything.
has bob gone on holiday?
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
okay i know its a little late to reply on what you guys said about my comment, but what i said before didnt reflect on those other players. I was just stating that he was already told by us, but more importantly jesison and koolio told him not to even make an app because he wasnt even a member. I know i dont have any authority over him getting staff or not but i was just telling him truthfully that i didnt think he would get it. I dont understand why some of you guys got so offended by this because it was my own personal opinion. But i apologize anyway to anyone that took what i said the wrong way because i wasnt trying to act cocky, i was just trying to get the point across because he was already told not to apply.
"Rippin' lips and packin' dips" ~Any true redneck can relate