Minecraft IGN: Jesison2
Current Position: Member+
Position applying for: -Staff
Age: 16.75
Time Zone: U.S./Canada Pacific Time Zone
Joined Server: February 13, 2012
Total Play Time: 500+ Hours
Avg Daily Play Time: 5-10 Hours
Previous Experience with Server Management: Staff when Dillonbass ran the server, and Managed my own bukkit server when Dillon's Server went down.
Command Knowledge: I have played on this server for a very long time and thus I have learned most if not all the commands available to member+'s and below. I also have knowledge from being a Staff on the server during the time that Dillon had control of the server and I learned much of the staff commands from that job. I am well ad versed with the use of towny and its commands.
Why I should be a staff: I have been a part of this server since February 13, 2012. I have dedicated countless hours to playing on this server and helping others as much i was able to with what i could do as a member and member+. I welcome new players whenever they join and I help them if they need anything. I have referred many players to this server even narutoitachi152, who is one of your support at this moment.
yup I have read it... though won't be making staff decisions until end of the month.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
I Second Jesison2's application for -Staff.
End of the month is approaching, choose wisely ~Koolio.
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
Koolio I think me and jesison should be the next selection... We have the most experience In staff and with the best app. Tell me 1 to 10 what u think bout me and jesison
Dedicated Player to kraftzone. Always standing.
it's not 2 new staff every selection it depends
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Ill agree on Jesison, but you need some more time on the server Ignio, i mean u havnt been here for long, and we cant have a complete new person staff (not saying ur COMPLETLY new)
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
Well yea, he does deserve staff more then me. He has a town that's really successful, plus he has know koolio for a LONG time, and he is very nice. And hadi I'm not new at all to this server. I came on believe it or not you were member. And when jesison was givin member+. I'm not that long like you were but I'm not new either.
Dedicated Player to kraftzone. Always standing.
And hadi tell me someone that was that long and is a member that what's this rank as bad as me. Except jesison.
Dedicated Player to kraftzone. Always standing.
i think i joind a week after jesison and i had member basicaly longer then jesison (because he got member+)
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Am i still being considered for staff?
First on my list
4th on my list, next to me myself and I
XD no first on mine too
*cough Its not bias!!!!!!!!!! Just cuz he my mayor DONT MEAN IM BEING BIAS!!!!!!!!!!!!cough/choke on air/legally die for 3 minutes*
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
Lol ignio i was given mem+ b4 jesison2
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
first on my hitli~ i mean first on my need to be staff list
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
He's #1 on my list as well.
Always ready to help, always ready to play, always ready to put you away!
Someday, I'll be Hokage, believe it!
Lol blue
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
He is #1 in my list too. He has ben player for much longer...
Dedicated Player to kraftzone. Always standing.
Excuse me? "16.75" for age? >:U
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
Mhhm 4 months till birthday