Gaming name: ChemicalHamster
Age: 17
City, State, Country: Struer, Denmark
Why do U wanna be a modarator: Well I have some experience at admin powers from me and Fred685b's old server. I know the admin commands and world edit, and I have been playing on the server every day in 1-2 weeks.
Me and Fred have been doing some shit on the server for a periode, the buildings was in wilderness and we thought it wouldnt count as greif. We know better now. And we won't do it agein. =)
Best Regards ChemicalHamster
Also too add:
it looks like you need some help Koolio, I love to help, and you have so many request from peopel on the server. The rail road needs a huge amont of time. I would like to help you with the raild road and all of the community stuff, so this will be a much better server for everyone.
Ps. Then you don,t have too spawn all the iteams for me and fred, but we won't exaggerate with the spawning =D
Best Regards ChemicalHamster
Perhaps a [Track Technician] rank you get the use of a kit with poweredrails, and a few materials at certain quantities for building the titan express link across the map in various directions to other towns are new areas of interest for newcomers, plus making sure its all working.
This would have to be custom made track, consulting of other town mayors for stations... so I'd be expecting tailored made track for various terrains like slopes, bridges. Some WorldEdit help could be provided for long repeating stretches or raised platforms/bridges/tunnels. Layout I'd be counting on you to plan I'd just like to approve designs beforehand
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Official Trailer:
Hello. Long time no see.
I have started on a very serious and HARD! education, and I have also gotten myself a job. So havent really gotten any spare time left. And school and jobs come first 😉 so i don't think i can work that much, you may find another guy for the job.
But if you have anything else that dosent really have to be done in a hurry, and require alot of work. Then i would love to be an (admin, staff, moderator etc.) =D
NOTE: Now when i got myself a job, I might donate. When i got an Paypal set up