Last seen: Jul 17, 2013
lolol, dilly, dont do it, be normal
That idea was already proposed by me xD. Here is the link to the thread: (it would be there, but i cant find it xD)
Senior Member: 300Junior Member: 50Full Member: 100That is all i can name
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I described it right 😀
Plush, you over WAY over exaggerating it, way way way over exaggerating it. When he was acting disgusted 'eww its bek', that was all a joke,...
Actually bek, koolio already has a rank somewhat like that coming out. It is called helper. Helpers are lower then staff, but have a lot of perms simi...
Koolio, I did find a glitch. I was going back to the old kraftzone and just switching through my inventory using ./ti. I took something out of creativ...
We're not gonna go back to the one old map, and donators will get creative back once we can restrict creative so we don't have1)Inflated eco...
He means for the new server. He has played much longer. He has gone through 2 map resets ik that. He deserves it more then most people 🙂
Once again. I miss you D:
Mebbeh, I have the attributes (maybe xD) and just enough playtime. Over 100votes. Who knows doh
I was der, he did do it. Maybe it was over the top a bit, but no reason to always report when someone offends you. Lada, for example. No reason to rep...