Last seen: Apr 17, 2021
C'mon it's just like every other "Notch" and "CaptinSparklez" we've seen. This one is no different. Although I don&...
I'm in.If you're reading this Woombo you gota join aswel. Same for you Dale_Onions. :3
Of course it's a Voter+ asking for Voter+ to get free money...
That's already a feature lmfao
I've had Navy boot me many times before. It fucking sucks, and it's a dick move not just to you but your entire family using the internet. N...
Lol already confronted Navy about this. I have his IP. Booting his net is a little extreme though.
How come I don't show up for votes?
I asked Koolio earlier about MC List. He said it's there, but not supported. 5 voting sites would mean Member and etc. qualifications would need ...
Yo pepsi what's your snapchat i'll add you 😀
Shoulda posted this tomorrow (Thanksgiving)
Me speedbuilding dirt.
Pepsi did you really need to necropost on a thread from February....
"Age - 13"
...most of you scrubs will say yes because that's just the type of fucking person you are......fucking stupid rules on this server......Cya nigge...
I need to find my big 'denied' stamp again. :DEDIT: Found it 😀
Leave it to Koolio to make a post announcing a new game, then proceed to tell us nothing about the game, what it is, or how to play...