Last seen: Apr 17, 2021
Firemeup has been a bad player for quite a while. He was a fence and a seller of duped items back in the dupe era and now he's giving out free sh...
what what what
Stop bumping this./thread
I wish for unlimited wishesYou may have unlimited wishes now, but you wasted your only usable wish. Now you have to wait for a chance to actually USE ...
I wish I could get what I want.I want 3 wishes. - To have unlimited wishes - For there to be no wishing limits- For me to be the only one who can mak...
Guys if your going to have a meme war please use the memes correctly. I don't want to see Redneck Randal talk about Koolio being AFK or something...
I know everything.Mark.(Really hoping Koolio's name is mark xD)
Koolio pull a Shawno - ban him from the forums. 😛
tl;dr version:I want more commands. Make a new rank so I can use /hat. kthxbai 😛
+1+9001Either allow it or deal with the issue Koolio. Almost everyone with fly does it.
Smallest form it can be, also took the liberty to replace the tons of diamond and iron blocks with corresponding wool colors. Your welcome.File attach...
Nobody can prove God exists yet Christianity is the #1 religion.
This is Koolio were talking about. We all know he's not going to get off his ass and do something. 😀
Off-Topic OC From Sly - This can't be good...
I'm not sure what this is for but these are world files. You can't just place them inside KraftZone if that's what your trying to do. Y...
your momohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
love itsly demands more
Giving out free diamond blocks....#QualityAdmin